Cherokee National Enduro, 3/17


Dec 6, 1999
I'm headed over to the National Enduro this Sunday and was looking for any info on it that I could get since it's my first trip there. Anybody done this one? What type of terrain to expect, soil type, and course info?

Also, who's going?
I'll be signing up Sunday AM.



Mar 3, 2000
I ran there last year, but all I remember is MUD. If we run much of the same stuff, there will be some deep ruts. Last year was my first time, so I can't be alot of help. I don't really remember any bad hills. I'll be getting there sometime Saturday afternoon, and will be at the Gas Gas rig all day. I haven't sent my entry yet, so I'll have to sign up Saturday or early Sunday.

Looks like dry Wed. through Sat. around 70 every day, scattered showers Sunday and low 70's.
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Nov 22, 2001
It's like Alabama but maybe not quite as tight and hilly. Close though.
There is more red clay there than just about anywhere, so if it rains alot just before the race it will be really nasty. If it doesn't get wet it is a fun run that is very long.
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