I pulled my topend today to do a topend job. When looking at top of the piston I noticed a piece of the piston missing between the ring and the top of the piston. It looks as it has been this way for a while, carbon build up ect., like it hit the variable exhaust or something and broke off. Vissual inspection of bottom end appears to be in great shape, but I am some what concerned about this. Any ideas or comments will be greatly appriciated. Should I pull bottom end and have rebuilt or put it back together with new top end?
I would bet that since it was at the top of the piston where it broke off, that it would probably just blow out the exhaust, especially if it had hit the exhaust valve. I would just use one of pen magnets and move it around the bottem end, if nothing comes out, and if everything looks ok, I'd just put a new top end in, and fix the exhaust valve so that it doesnt happen again.
I've heard of a few horrow stories of Suzuki power valves wearing out and dropping into the cylinder. Seems like the hole through hanger on the valve barrels get oblong and they seat down too low. It generally takes out everything. If yours is starting to get that way you should completely disassemble the power valve assembly, inspect for worn parts and replace whatever needs it. If it got into the piston once it can surely happen again and it might be the big one next time.
You might want to check for a coolant leak. It is not uncommon for a coolant leak to cause the top part of the piston (above the piston ring next to the exausht) to fail and crack off. The shock of the temperature difference causes the failure. Just another thing to look for. Check for any warping of the cylinder head.