I raced down at Clanton the the 21st. Someone on the trail took a pic of me going up one of the Hills. I could not find them on the sera web site. Does anyone know if there was a company there that I can check with about more photo's? :p
I've asked a similar question in the past. At most of the SETRA races
a company called RACEDAYPIX is there taking pics and you can buy them after the race or off their website, but I din't see them there this past weekend. All others are just family taking pics. The ones you see on the SERA website are usaully the same people everytime because it's their family or friends taking the pics. I don't now where else to look.
I was also in Vet C. Were you the one beside me on the new (to you) 300?
I am on a 200 #90. If so, I remeber talking to ya at the truck, but I am
terrible with names.