cleaning a pipe??


Aug 26, 2010
Ok I just took the pipe off my yz 250, to try to remove a few dents

Now I am not the original owner of the bike,

so this is the first time removing the pipe

there is Massive carbon build up on the inside opf the pipe
anyone know of any tricks to help remove it??

I tried soaking it in kero, brake cleaner, engine de greaser, and right now its soaking in gas!

I can scratch away some that i can get at with a metal tool

but how do I get more out where I cannot reach??

or am I just better replacing the pipe all together??

its a FMF gnarly pipe is , well minus a couple small dents, excellent shape on the OUTSIDE!

so any tips?


dismount art student
Mi. Trail Riders
Aug 29, 2004
heard of people that put it in a bonfire when you take it out put a piece of chain in and shake it or oven cleaner.


Aug 26, 2010
No I haven't tried heat, I was worried about making the metal softer due to heat and or ruining the finish on the pipe
as I am told to get that to work it has to be cherry hot, and i know doing that changes temper of metals, and always makes them softer, and can ruin a nickel finish by getting it that hot
and unless its HOt hot , it really won't work from what i hear!
I am thinking about getting a piece of a plumbers snake, a flexiable metal line more or les and putting it in a drill and spinning it to beat the inside up some, and hope knock some of the carbon build off off, after its been soaking for a few days

its funny,this pipe is terrible inside, and yet the bike runs greatm, and spark plus are super clean too!

I am thinking the guy before me got the pipe off a different bike and just stuck it on here with itr already carboned up like so!
I mean it had/had a solid 1/8 inch + of carbon build up from the heard to as far as i could reach/see all the way around it on the inside!, even at the exit it was coated , just not as thick, but WOW was it in there!

should run a ton better after this gets removed


May 19, 2006
Good running bikes can do this over time. It doesn't mean previous owner got a different pipe. But if it bothers you that much, you can always buy a new pipe. I also think there are commercial dips you can use to remove much of the buildup.


Aug 26, 2010
thanks guys I did a little of everything I think
from soaking in gasm, carb cleaner, kero, over the counter carbon buster, I tried a drill and a piese of stainless steel wire in a drill, that really knocked a lot out

and last i filled with a water and some heavy duty degreasing soap, and then heated the pipe to a boil and let it boil for a while

that really seemed to loosen up a lot of it, or combination of it all

in the end I got it very clean compared to what was in there

but that carbon build up is hard stuff to remove!, but am happy now
so thanks all!