Cleaning exhaust port


Mr. Atlas
Jul 28, 2000
I just took my exhaust pipe off to check my powervalve, etc, and holy cow- the carbon build up was unbelievable! This is the first time I've bothered to check, as I've only had the bike since April.

I was able to get the big chunks off right at the edge of the port (some were at least 1/8th of an inch thick!!!), but was apprehensive about really digging in because I just didn't want to send any debris into the cylinder.

How do you get that stuff off safely? It must be hindering my performance. Also, the inside of my pipe looked the same, but I didn't bother to try and clean it out, other than right at the edge as well where the buildup was the thickest.

What's wierd is that there was virtually no buildup any deeper than 2 inches (area closest to the piston. And the piston looked brand new.


Jun 5, 2001
I'm with ya brother. The best way I found is to pull the top end off, that way you can get into the entire port area. I took the valve out and cleaned each part also. With the head on, it's tough to not get fluids down the ports and your bike might have to have the top end off, before you can get the power valve off. Either way, you won't get a good cleaning without removing the head, trust me. Get a set of new gaskets before you do this so you can put it right back together. You can also get a good look at your rings and piston with the head off, that way you can see how much blow by you have and other buildup on the piston. My power valve assembly looked worse then my BBQ!! Good luck


Mr. Atlas
Jul 28, 2000
Nuts. I was hoping the answer would include something like "buy this spray on stuff, drink a beer, jump down, turn around, pick a bale of cotton, and Presto!"

Peer Lovell

Nov 25, 1999
I would also look at the type of oil you are using. The power valve should need cleaning by now, but shouldn't be as bunged up as your describe. Switch to a 100% synthetic if you are using a petroleum based pre-mix oil.


Mr. Atlas
Jul 28, 2000
I've been using Maxima Super M (I think that's what was used before I bought it, too), which is a blend, right?


Thinks he can ride
Dec 2, 2001
Peer, the amount of buildup will not be less simply by switching to a 100% synthetic. Super M is a very clean burning oil. (This is from my own use, and what others have said.) Zio, the amount of buildup may just be from the amount of time inbetween rebuilds, but if you are experiencing excessive carbon I would look at your jetting.

Good Luck
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