Cold fouling, plug too black


Aug 2, 2005
I have a 2002 KX250 that is completely stock and has NEVER been tinkered with at ALL.

I live in VT and its usually about 70-85F when I go riding.
I noticed that sometimes when I first start my bike it will foul the plug before it is warmed up, but never has fouled when after it is all warmed up.

Also, when I check the plug, no matter what RPM I have been riding at, etc., the insulator is always dark black and its practicly dripping oil. Also, smoke is always just barely visible at all the different RPM's if you stop and watch for it, and this is using klotz oil.

Lastly, I noticed that if you ride around at low RPM's a little bit, then go into the powerband, it will sort of skip/hesitate once it hits the end of the high powerband (when it really starts winding out), but after you do that a couple times it cleans itself out then doesn't skip no matter HOW much you wind it up. Obviously its loading up with gas from being to rich.
Other than this the bike runs & idles utterly perfect though.

Anyways, my question is this: do you think I can fix this by just putting the clip on the main jet up one click? that is what the manual says to do (along with the person I bought the bike from). Also, will I have to tinker with the air screw if I do this? And is there only 1 airscrew on the carb? Becuase the only one I know of is the one on the outside of the carb, which is set at 1 and 1/4 turns out, as suggested by the manual.


Mr. Meltsomeglass
Jul 25, 1999
There is no clip on the main. The clip is on the needle. Start by leaning out the pilot and work from there. To properly check the plug visually, you'll need to cut off the threads, because the part of the insulator you need to check is all the way up inside.
Check the Jetting Links at the top of this forum for lots of good info, tips and methods.

Good Luck


Jun 10, 2005
I had just about the exact same problem with my RM250. What helped me alot was (actually what I did today) I set the main jet 10 numbers lower. (mine was running way rich)

Also is it all black and stuff around the exhaust?

If so then you problaly could correct this problem by getting the main jet numbers lower. I would try that first and then if that doesn't work then try adjusting all the other jetting things.
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