Compresion Slow Adjuster

Rob Reid

Oct 8, 2002
Can anyone explain why slow comp adjuster would want to be any thing other than full soft,have good understanding of high speed adjuster. Also what speed range does front suspension comp adj affect


Feb 7, 2002
The "slow speed" compression adjuster controls the suspension on big hits like jump landings. The "high speed" compression adjuster handles things like acceleration bumps and other square edged stuff.
If all you do is trail ride, then you can run the adjusters pretty far out and not notice much difference because the settings don't make much difference until the last 4 or 5 inches of the travel.


Aug 3, 2002
i have read that the hi-speed also affects the ride height. in my exp. i get more effect on ride height with the slow speed adjuster. my 2001 cr250 squats and is hard to turn properly. i have the sag correct and the spring seems correct but it still gives me fits. every couple of rides i hacve to add preload and slo-speed damping. i am now two clicks from hard on slo and one and a half out on high speed. any more high speed and its brutal om roots, etc. seniorkx- what do you mean by moved?
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