SR to R conversion
I built a very interesting KDX. it is a 1998 frame with 1991 SR motor. First change was the piston. the SR piston is shorter, sounds wrong, but the longer skirt of the R item opens the intake port later(like the cam on a 4 stroke). the next change I made was Boysens Power reeds. Then the carb rubber of the R model, since I could only get a 39MM!!! Keihin of a KX250. Next was a FMF woods pipe with Powercore 2 silencer. This was a major challenge, as the exhaust port on the 91motor first has bolt on studs for a pipe with a flange. so off i cut the flange from the stock item, weld on a piece of tubing, and 2 lugs for springs. next opstical was the pipe curves are different. just paid huge bucks for the FMF, and it wont fit! darn!!!! make a plan I said. cut the brand new FMF on the big weld on the fat section. cut a wedge section out(10mm) heat up, bend sweat, curse, heat bend, and yes! the next was to sort overcarburetion with the 39mm monster. I coppied RB desighns divider set up and gained huge bottom end, today I am busy fitting my own version of Air Striker. I will definately let you all know how this works. This is my second KDX, and the first went very reluctantly, this one will have to be cut from my dead claws! I love my KDX. 2- strokes rule!!!!!!!!!!!!! if they stop making the oil, i will run on good old caster oil.