couple questions on vforce2 fit


Apr 19, 2003
for those of you with vforce2 reed systems, did they slide right in?
mine go almost all the way in with no resistance then at about the distance of two gaskets i believe the sides are hitting. it doesnt take much pressure to get it to go all the way in. will it be ok like this or should i take a little metal out of the sides of the intake port? also, i'm assuming it doesn't matter which end goes up. i thought the tab (the one with the little vforce sticker on it) would be on top, but it only fits my cylinder with the tab down. thanks


  • 100_1136.jpg
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Apr 19, 2003
here's a pic of the tab i was asking about.


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Feb 24, 2001
My buddy has the vforce and he had a little problm w/the fit.
it seemed that one of the bolt holes didin't line up enough
to get the bolt in straight. We ended up having to use the dremel
to clean it up. He also had a problem w/tthe carbon fiber reeds breaking
after only 4 rides on it. He call the company and theey said to send it to them to have a look. They sent him a new one and said it may have been
defective. He's not going to put it back in he ordered the boyseen rad valve w/regular reeds. Any way the tab does face down. Good Luck



Apr 19, 2003
problem fixed, filed sides of intake port smooth about a 1/2" in. must have been catching on the casting crud.


Oct 14, 1999
Mine fits with no interference whatsover.

My riding buddy's didn't fit so well. He pressed on it some to get his in.

The tab indeed goes down.

I'd sure choose to file the edge of the cage over the cylinder. There's enough material to do that and still be far from the reeds.

re: radvalve with 'regular reeds'

I don't know what that means. The radvalve reeds are not 'regular'. They are carbon.

And if you think it's a better product, you're in for a rude awakening. Actually, probably not 'cuz you'll never know what you're missing.

Granted, broken reeds after 4 rides would stink and I'd be wanting some answers. Still, they replaced it. That's a bit of a +.

I've run the boyesen radvalve mile for mile against a similar modified kdx with a DFII. After a year, the boyesen reeds were shot..the DFII reeds looked brand new.

If you like your radvalve....more power to 'ya!'ll need it! ;)


Apr 19, 2003
i didnt really take any metal out of cylinder i think it was casting flash. hopefully i'll get it all back together tomorow. every time i go into the garage i just end up lookin at the bike for awhile thinkin of what else i need to do while its tore down. i played with the exhaust valves for an hour one day till i was satisfied with them, the guy that came up with that must have been a master puzzle maker


Oct 14, 1999
From zak @ mototassinari (with his permission to use):
I reiterate the 'talk to jeff' part.


Mod Ban
Dec 14, 2002
What is the difference between the VForce Delta and the VForce Delta 2? I notice the Delta is a black body and the Delta 2 is silver/gray but not much else.


Jul 19, 2002
The Delta 2 has adjustable reed tension vs. the Delta which does not.

Canyncarvr could most likely give you even more differences. He's very knowledgeable on the VForce.

But, it is a must have!!!!!!!!!!!


Aug 30, 2002
I got the V-Force II and it fit and works perfect after about 15 rides. It came with the bike so I don't know what the bike was like before. Al I can say is my 02 RM 250 rips.


Mod Ban
Dec 14, 2002
Oh for crying out loud. What the heck does that mean? Quit makeing fun of the stupid canyncarvr. :confused: Is it worth the money to get the Delta II if you already have a Delta and if you don't have one at all, would a Delta at $75 be a good value? (If you don't know, that's o.k. We won't laugh) :laugh: NOT!


Mod Ban
Dec 14, 2002
O.K. I called Jeff at mototassinari. He said that the old style doesn't adjust the reed tension and that is about it. He also said that on the KDX220, it didn't really matter anyway as it didn't make much difference. You know, that Jeff must have one sweet job, testing his product on just about every 2 stroke riding machine around.
Anyone out there with the Delta II on a KDX220 that has tried both reed settings that can report back on their experiances?


Oct 14, 1999
As schultz used to say, 'I kno nawthink!!

I've never even SAT on a 220....think I saw one once, though.

The above comment was indeed mostly just for fun. Yeah, they are indeed different colors. Heck, my DFII is in a box that has a picture of a DF on it!

The color is the certain way to tell the difference between the two...the reed stop adjustment not being apparent to some.

If the only option was a DF, I'd likely choose that anyway, based only on my personal observations of reed life between the mototassinari product and the radvalve. The adjustability of reed tension had a very big effect...on my 200 anyway. I think the 30º angle and the eight-petal design is preferable to the radvalve 45º two-petal design.

Seems the 220 is short on change in a number of different venues.......;)

Besides, if I have to stop making fun of the stoopid, I'll have to quit laughing at myself...and I'm my biggest fan! (thassa' joke, son).

Here is some 220 input for 'ya.
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Mod Ban
Mar 15, 2003
I read it as: Quit makeing fun of the stupid canyncarvr."

I followed you on some trails that I called you a lot of things, but not stupid! ;)

Now I feel really stoopid ;)


Mod Ban
Dec 14, 2002
Canyncarvr, I bet you're so cute the girls just want to hug you to death. Remeber what Red Green says: " If the women don't find you handsome, then they should at least find you handy."

Looking at how they designed the method for changing tension, I think I could copy that. It's just changing the length of the reed by moving the point of hinge. Longer reed is softer, easier to open than a shorter reed of the same material.

You said there was big difference on the two settings. What specificly and which did you end up using?


Oct 14, 1999
Heck, I missed the fact, that, there was no, comma,! Indeed wibby is right.

Very funny there, wibbens! Good grammatical catch. I would have caught his real point had their not been a return right there.

Yeah...'cute' is good 'til about ten minutes past the nuptials. Then 'they' find out just how thin smart@$$ can wear to! Handy or not!! ;)

I prefer the low tension setting for most of the riding I do. I change it to high tension if I'm headed for sand somewheres. But then, I retard the timing a bit, too. Changing pipes, tire, suspension and jetting just isn't enough to do.

The biggest change with the lo tension reeds was tractability. The bottom is smooth, I can twist the throttle and get only 'go' instead of the front end picking up. Still, the front end comes up easily, but only when I want it to.

What I was after was a useable bottom end in the woods on single track with my -30 pipe. The lo tension reeds gave me that....and I still get the fun of the rev pipe.
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