Peer Lovell

Nov 25, 1999
I seem to have some slop in the upper shock bearing on my /98 CR250. How much is "normal"?
If I do have to replace this bearing, the manual is somewhat vauge on this. They give instructions for making a threaded thing to push out the bearing. However, can I simply warm the top of the shock and pound it out like any other suspension bearing?
Also, there appears to be some sort of spring retainer clip in there...hard to see. Is it only on one side?
Thanks for any help.


Jan 8, 2004
I removed mine cold. If you have access to a large arbor press you can make a fixture to obtain clearance for your gas bottle on the side of the shock. You will need a helper to hold shock while you press out bearing. Spring clips are on both sides so make sure you don't forget to remove them! Pry seals off and remove clips. The service manual doesn't show a very good detail drawing of parts in upper hole. I made a bad mistake on mine and I didn't remove the clip on the bottle side! Caused a big problem! I have it repaired now so all is well. DO NOT USE HEAT whatever you do! I priced that casted part of the rear shock and what a nitemare! $470.00..... Take your time & do it right. Good luck.

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