CR Wheel Swap


Sep 21, 2005
Question; Can I swap the rear wheel from a 2004 CR125 to my trusty 1996 CR125? A friend of mine replaced his wheels with a nice aftermarket set and I have the option of buying his OEM set. I noticed that the axle diameter on the 2004 is much larger. Is it possible to replace the inner part (bearings, spacers etc) from the old hub to the new? Or can I use the new rim and new spokes on the old hub (which is in perfect shape)? The rim on my 96 bike has a crack in it from one side to the other and I don't think that I should ride (jump) much more on it. Any suggestions are welcome.


Feb 5, 2004
is it possible to buy the entire rear wheel? a buddy of mine runs the 250 2-stroke rear on his 250f.

the work you were talking about is labor intensive, but if you got the time and patience anything is possible. but i f i were you, i would see if the entire thing would fit on my bike.


Sep 21, 2005
My local bike (bicycle) shop replaced the wheel and mounted everything including the new spokes on my '96 hub. This way I am sure that I won't have any problems with the fit. By the way, you are right; this would be very labor intensive and tricky to get it just right. I would leave it up to someone who has the experience and the tools to replace a whole set of spokes. The last thing you want is to have a warped wheel warp your weekend!
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