CR450F Ride Report


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Well, I finally got to put some good time in on the CR450F. I think I went through almost a full tank. I had half a tank at the start of the day and filled her up once and now have half a tank in it.

First things first, this thing has some lovely attributes and some poor attributes. I learned all this before I even cranked her up!!

First, the aluminum frame makes it hard to get to components of the engine. Getting to the airbox boot that attaches to the carb was a giant pita. Getting the air filter in an out is a pain too. I spent about 10 minutes with just the cage mimicking putting the filter in and taking it out so I could learn the exact procedure necessary. It really helped when I put the filter back in.

I rode it at TNT Saturday and took a little while to get used to it. I was immediately comfortable on it on the intermediate track but the big track took some time. We'd do a lap or two and rest then try something else.

I started to get comfortable on the 450 so I decided to ride the 250F and see how it felt. First thing I noticed was that the 250F has less power... well duh! It took me awhile to start riding it right.

I can say that the 450 does suit me better simply as a result of the power and me being a fat ass. The 250F is easier to ride longer but harder to clear obstacles with. The 450 has a little twitch to it and it is not as stable as the 250F is but with the steering damper on the 450 it is not a big problem at all.

The suspension on the 450 is really good. I overjumped one 40 foot double and the 450 handled it better than when I did the same thing on the 250F. After over-jumping I found myself more comfortable and trying new things on the 450.

By the end of the day I had done all of the jumps I used to do on the 250F and found them to be easier to do b/c of the extra power. I also added a few jumps to my collection.

1) The downhill ski jump. I used to do it (only a handful of times) but it always scared me. I am comfortable doing it now. However, the jump has been re-faced since then to make it easier.

2) The new uphill triple. I cased it the first time and cleared it good the second time.

3) The new step down. It kicks you high but the CR handled it really well. I started to get more comfortable on that jump as the day went on.

4) The big 60 that I thought I'd never do. The face has been re-surfaced in the middle and the landing has been made a lot more forgiving. James and I both were doing it by the end of the day. On my first attempt I did it and turned around and the bike stalled. I kicked and kicked. It wouldn't fire. Dumb me had the gas off. I am so lucky I didn't get hurt. Overall though the bike starts very easily.

5) The triple after the gully. I did it pretty well on my first attempt but my last attempt (which coincided with my last attempt of the day) I came up short and my ankle went down and stretched a few ligaments or something on the top of my foot. It hurts but I'm going to be fine. The 450 took the abuse rather well considering.

Overall, I really like the power of the 450. The ergos fit me well. I do not think I'm any faster on it than I was on the 250F but I do think that it is easier to clear obstacles b/c of the power. That makes it a little more fun for me.

Cornering the 450 is pretty nice but I still suck at it. I did have an issue with jetting though. Not sure at this point what the cause is but the bike would pop a little when decellerating. I was pulling in the clutch and I *think* I may have been hitting the hot start lever too but not sure. I'm going to pull the plug and take a look but it could be nothing or it could have been the humidity which was pretty wicked.

The thing I like the most is the limited decompression braking. The 250F has a lot more. It is nice to have some but I found on the 250F when I'd get in trouble on a jump and then land the decomp braking would sometimes throw me off kilter a bit. The 450 lack of decomp braking makes a lot of things safer IMO as a result.

Next I want to try some trails with it. I know the 250F is awesome in the woods so I'm just hoping this is half as good as the 250F is in the woods. I plan on doing more MX track play riding than anything else so the woods isn't as important to me. However, I know that in the woods is when I'll miss the 250F the most.

I think the only thing I need to do now is move the bars back a little. I have them too far forward. After that just change the oil, check the bolts, check the spokes, clean the air filter and go ride again next week :)

I'm sold on the bike and pretty happy I got it.



Feb 9, 2000
nice :)


Jr Admin Type
Jan 17, 2000
1 Tank? Bubba! I could not get off the thing... I ran it dry 2 times back to back. The tank holds less than the 426 and eats more gas, so about 48-50 minute motos are all your gonna get.

The engine seems a little easier to get to to me.... but I am coming off the 426. To me the 426 is cramed in there so tight there is no space, the 450 is more refined and less complicated. But that is just my opinion.

Great read Ivan, what did you think of the 695/490 tire selection from Honda? I have already shreaded the rear tire and have some 756's on order for DW02.


Apr 20, 2002
I had a great time riding too. Ivan let me ride his YZ250F which I absolutely loved. I only rode it on the small track, but I was immediately comfortable on the bike and was jumping everything effortlessly and after several laps, was only about half as tired as when I ride it on my Husky. I definitely felt like a better rider on this bike. I had been telling James earlier that I felt like I was at a point where I'm not too comfortable trying any bigger jumps than what I'm doing right now. I think with that YZ, I would be ready a lot sooner to try some new stuff.

I unfortunately can not buy it at this time. :whiner: I'm pretty much sold on the fact that a 250F is going to be my next bike though.


Lifetime Sponsor
Dec 26, 2001
I REALLY liked the 450. Ergos felt just like my 250s, didn't notice the extra weight much, power was better than any 400-500 4 stroke I have ridden previously, and it LOOKS GREAT. It jumped great and the suspension was very firm (good for my heavy bottom).

The really cool thing was that he let me ride it first!! I wasn't ready to flog it much as it was IVAN's brand new bike. I even layed my bike down when I overjumped a tabletop trying to pass...was overshootin the turn and about to T-bone Ivan. I wasn't going to be the one to put the first blemish on it.

Ivan was out there trying all the new jumps first so I'd say the bike is working for him. I'm glad that it is turning out to be a good purchase in one way, but since I was first on the list to get it if he didn't like it.....well, I'm only human :(

Honestly, I'm not convinced that I like it better than my 250s yet...this may require much more seat time to figure out.

BY THE WAY.....I don't know for sure if I thanked you for the chain...THANKS!!
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Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Originally posted by Thump
1 Tank? Bubba! I could not get off the thing... I ran it dry 2 times back to back.

Considering my rotund nature and total lack of physical fitness one tank is considerable for spodely ol' me :)

The tank holds less than the 426 and eats more gas, so about 48-50 minute motos are all your gonna get.

Uh... after 10 minutes I'm dead.

what did you think of the 695/490 tire selection from Honda?

I didn't mind it too much. The track was pretty tacky and is usually hardpack so it wasn't too bad.

I'm thinking of going with an s-12 rear and m-12 front. The 756 wears a little too quick for my liking. We'll see, right now it looks like I'm going to stick with stock rubber.



Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
James and Linus... I had a blast. Thanks for riding with me. Next time we're going to get Linus over the 60 :)

I can't ride this Saturday but would love to make it on Sunday to TNT if you guys can make it.



Jr Admin Type
Jan 17, 2000
Did the bike feel like a "race" bike? Hard to explain but the jump from 426 to 450 felt weird to me, not a lot more power, but super "racey" if that makes any sense.


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
When I was in the attack position and actually trying to be agressive the bike did seem very responsive and quick. It did have a unique and reallycool feel to it.

I think I know what you mean.



Lifetime Sponsor
Dec 26, 2001
Sunday should be fine. The bike isn't new anymore so xpect to get taken out next time :confused: . That reminds me, think we can get Wrench to join us??


Moderator / Wheelie King
Jun 30, 1999
Originally posted by James
That reminds me, think we can get Wrench to join us??

That reminds me... next weekend may not work. Wrench is going to come up to pick up the trailer to take it to DW. If Gomer doesn't go to DW then my bike has to go with Wrench so I may not be riding next weekend afterall.

We'll see as the weekend gets closer.

I'm planning on Sunday and go from there.


Shin ichi

Feb 27, 2001
Congrats on the new red beast. You have even less excuses ffor any shortcomings now! Hope I get to see you ride that thing soon.
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