
Apr 21, 2000
This last Tuesday I went riding at Jeff Stanton's practice track in Sherwood, MI. Present were Jeff, Nick Wey and Ryan Hughes on the 450. I posted about Jeff's practice track on TT and was asked to talk about the 450.

Even though I haven't posted here for awhile, I thought there might be some interest in what I saw. The post was as follows:

I didn't spend much time around the bike at all because Ryan was being bombarded by the kids as it was. However, here are a few observations:

On The Track:

The first thing I noticed was how flickable the bike looked in the air. I saw Ryno make some extreme adjustments including bunny hopping a jump that I had never seen anyone else do including Stanton, Wey, and Larocco. It's amazing how some of the pro riders "see" obstacles so differently from others.

I saw Ryno dump it in corners on two different occasions. The first time he got up two kicks, the second fall one kick. Very encouraging on the automatic decomp/hot start.

The third thing I noticed was the raw, powerful sound that the engine made while standing behind it under accereration. I also did not hear any dead bog like I hear on a lot of YZ's. I will be comparing very closely to Ferry's YZ this weekend at Red Bud. I will have unlimited track access this weekend so I will find some key areas to stand and make a sound comparison.

In The Pits:

When Ryno came in from his 45 minute parade of a practice session, the first thing I did was walk over and feel the clutch cover. The reason I did this is that the Honda engineers are claiming that the dual sump system will keep the clutch oil cooler because it is not used to lube the top end. Sounded logical but I wanted to see for myself. I was surprised to learn that after 45 minutes of ABUSE his cover was cooler than mine after only 25 minutes of the same.

Another thing I noticed was that the valve cover is considerably smaller than that of the YZ. With only having one cam compared to two and seemingly no oil carried high in the frame on the CRF I would conclude that some of that high center of gravity and gyroscopic forces might not be present reducing the amount of force it takes to lay the bike over in the corner compared to the YZ. Until recently I also had an '01 YZ250 and that was one of the things I noticed the most when I switched back and forth from one bike to the other.

I also like the idea of not using Ti valves on the exhaust side. I have had three YZ400/426's now and this is the first year I have had to make any valve adjustments. The exhaust valves were out of spec after 4 months of riding.

I will say that the frame seems slightly narrower than the second generation CR frame. Very trick looking.

The rear hub is SMALL as is the rear brake caliper. Also, the bike sported the new rear master cylinder with the reservoir incorporated.

The muffler on Ryno's bike looked substantially shorter than the one's on the Honda website with a cap (no stinger).

Also, anyone getting a new Honda next year, the new Throttle Jockey (Woody) kit looks like quality stuff as usual. I had good luck with their kit on my '97 CR250. That was about the only thing I liked about that bike.

Well, that's about all I can think of. I hope this gives all you future 450 owners a little "fix"



Pretty fly for a fat guy!

2001 YZ426 in the garage
2002 CR450F in October :D


Jun 28, 2001
Did you notice an odd sound from the exhaust?

I recall a recent MXA article that observed that the CRF lacked the "fine, mechanical sound" of the YZF. The article speculated whether the odd exhaust note of the CRF resulted from its one-off silencer.

Thanks for the comments


Posts Too Much
Nov 14, 2000
The wierd exuast note is becuase of the one off exuast. It sound's alot different than the YZF but I like the CRF sound better than YZF. Could the mag be talking about valve clatter?


Dec 31, 1969
Where did you hear one?


Posts Too Much
Nov 14, 2000
At Budds Creek for the father's day race. I had a pit pass but I couldn't get under the tent to get a good look. It did look nice!


Nov 8, 1999

Thumper448, I am forced to tell you that you are an evil person. I got my first sighting of the 450 on pay-per-view (Las Vegas SX). What a bike!

Now you go and post a thread like this. I bleed orange blood, and yet I too have already talked to our local Honda dealer about putting a deposit down on this evil red machine.

Do you maybe have any insight on the '02 KTMs. I think I may need therapy until October!

John Blaze

Feb 24, 2000
Hey Strick, did BVH tell you anything about the 450F? I was their today, showing off the AF and one of the salesmen (who I think is new,since I have never seen him before) said no one has a deposit on a 450F yet and he'd take one right then. Go put your money on it! I almost did just to make some people mad around here. :D I'm riding tomorrow, out in Cold Springs or maybe Mooonrocks. When ya goin out next?


Nov 8, 1999
Blaze - I put my deposit down today. Yes, there will be a red (black) bike next to the pumpkin late this year. I was at BVH right before 3pm.
Me, McD and GRC are riding Peavine tomorrow. We are staging at Mogul at 9:00am, and riding the single track on the top. Come Along! It would be a kick to ride with you again:)

John Blaze

Feb 24, 2000
That's gonna be pretty cool, can't wait to see that thing. You should have the first one around here. I was at BVH around noon time. Tomorrow will be my first time back on the bike since the Winnemucca race. My wrist is feeling a lot better. I'll sure try to meet up with you guys tomorrow @ 9:00 if my other riding guys fall through(Happens a lot). If not, we'll meet up some other time. Talk to ya later.


Apr 21, 2000

If you are referring to the 520 I don't really know anything about the '02. However, I have ridden an '01 and all I have to say about that is smoooooth and deceivingly fast. I was pleasantly surprised at how narrow and light the bike felt. I could barely tell a difference between it and the 380 handling wise. Also, the upside down suspension seems way better than upside downs on older KTM's.

I didn't spend a lot of time riding it but I can tell you that every year I get a little closer to considering a KTM. I began my racing career as a harescrambler and someday I'm going back into the woods. When I do I may finally take the orange plunge. So far I struggle with the parts situation. I ride 2-3 times per week and it's nice to know that I can get my Yamaha/Honda parts the next day in most cases without even paying extra for shipping.

As far as my friends go, those that have the 520 MX version are all very happy with the bike.

Ok, for everyone else, sorry for the delay on the report from Red Bud. I was racing the amateur races the night before the national and I crashed on a double and got ran over and landed on several times. I was unconscious for seven minutes and ended up with a level 2 concussion, a severe cervical sprain and a bit of memory loss. Believe it or not I did not remember starting this thread until I came here and did a search by user to see what I had been doing before the crash. Wow! :confused:

Strangely enough I was still able to make it back up to Red Bud on Sunday and make some observations although I had one hell of a headache. First of all I would like to say that riding with Jeff Stanton for a week can make ANYONE faster. Hughes' performance at Red Bud was tremendously improved compared to any other national this year. The goal going into Red Bud was top five overall. Mission Accomplished Baby! :cool: After the race Ryan was quoted as saying that he just might have to move to Michigan! Although he did benefit from DNF's from Tortelli (Ran out of gas on last lap of the first moto while in the lead) and Windham ( Threw a chain on the last lap of the second moto while in second) Ryan rode a very solid race . Tortelli was the fastest rider on the track like last year. That guy can RAIL the outside lines. Actually he doesn't even need a line he just makes his own around the outside in uncharted territory sometimes. I look for Windham to give Ricky a little more fight each round from here on out. Kevin has always been a late season bloomer. You should have heard the crowd when Tortelli and Windham chased Ricky down and passed him in their respective motos :D

"see are eff four-fifty are" That's pretty funny. I think Art Eckman could benefit from you phonics lesson Big Bore. Where would we all be without Eckmanisms?

Anyway folks, I highly recommend against using your body as a landing strip for other riders. My friends said I asked "What jump did I crash on?" about a dozen times in 5 minutes after the ambulance crew turned me loose. A few of these times were while we were standing at the edge of the track. I would ask what jump, my friends would point at it and 30 seconds later I would ask the same question again. Too wierd.

I hope you all have a great weekend of riding. It looks like I might ride a little tomorrow but no racing until next weekend. Doc's orders.

Have fun,


Scott in KC

Aug 28, 2000


A few years back while snowboarding at Steamboat, my buddy & I were in the trees and he went right off this little ridge and landed flat on this cat-trail. Of course once he realized what was up, he leaned back and hit his head when he landed. He was pretty fogged for the rest of the day, we bailed on the rest of the afternoon and headed down. He must of asked for his car keys about 30 times that day. It was really weird, next day he was doing better and out of the fog. Be careful with head injuries though, too many can lead to serious side effects.


Nov 8, 1999
Thumper448 - I have ridden the 'upside down' 43mm WP's. I like my 50mm wp conventionals much better for what I do; desert Hare & Hound and Hare Scrambles. The 48mm in '02 should be much better. I don't want a 520 with a 4-speed tranny, and I don't want an e-start (maybe in a few years).

It's too late anyway I will have my C R F 450r in November:cool: Thanks to a considerate wife, I am keeping my trusty 300 (which is the best bike I have owned to date)

Glad you are doing well after your failed attempt at your second career (a landing ramp). Concussions are the absolute worst!


Sponsoring Member
Sep 15, 1999
Strick on a thumper.......?

Im starting to think maybe we are related..... We sure think the same way..... Too bad there is not going to be a 450 sx with 6 speed...Good thing Im happy with the Berg.

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