CR80R Characteristics? Power, Suspension


Mar 13, 2000
I have a line on a 2001 CR80R in pretty good condition for my son but I know nothing about these little bikes. I am guessing that like the bigger bikes, the manufacturers build the motors and suspensions with different charactersitics. some motros are built to maximize top end power, some are better with low end power etc.

Anybody know how the 2001 CR80 compares to the YZ, KZ and RM (at least when they were new).

My son is currently riding a KX60 and is very happy with it. He is not a complete beginner but far from a good rider. He doesn't race and most of the riding would be on woods trails, fire roads etc. The real emphasis would be on low and mid range power. He likes riding on a track doing some of the smaller jumps but doesn't get an opportunity to do that very often.

Any ideas if the bike would be a good fit or would one of the other 80/85's be more appropriate?


Jan 19, 2006
The pre '05 CR 80/85's are light switches. There is hardly any lowend power, most of it is at the top of the powerband.
I suppose that if you put different gearing on it and a flywheel weight, you could change the power delivery. Porting and a torque pipe would also help.

We race CR85's and they are fast and reliable, not really meant for low speed trail riding.
The KX85 is a lot tamer on the power (powervalve) as is the RM. The KX is a little smaller than the rest of the 85s. Aftermarket companies also have a lot of parts for the kX to make them woods worthy.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
My son's '03 was pretty much the light switch power delivery until we added a flywheel weight which help with stalling and smoothed the hit a bit. Eric Gorr rebuilt the engine for us recently taking it to a 102 and working the rest of his magic on it. Now it has very usable power for an 85 from the mid range on up while still maintaining the Honda hit and great upper end power. If your son is currently on a KX60 then the CR delivery shouldn't be a big deal especially with a little work. If you want a really good woods only bike then the RM or KX would be a better starting point.