Cracked pipe

125 rider

Sponsoring Member
Oct 1, 2000
Theres a crack in my fatty pipe about 2 1/2 inches long and about 2 milimeters wide. It's right near the spring-mounting hooks close to the engine. There is a minor amount of smoke that comes out when standing still but its not that much and when i ride it for a while it seems to go away. Im going to have it welded but was wondering if it will cause damage to the motor by riding it that way?


Sep 13, 2001
don't know for sure, but we have ridden bikes w/cracks in the pipe for months. we actually did not know about the cracks until we looked into why the bike was so loud.

we at Third World Racing use everything until it is totally used up......ride,repair,replace etc.....

125 rider

Sponsoring Member
Oct 1, 2000
As I said in my original post, it is getting welded but the thing that is dissapointing is that this is a 2 month old pipe. Next time im either going pro-circuit or the gnarly pipe


Sep 20, 2001
When you weld the pipe it's not a bad idea to drill a small hole at each end of the crack to releive the stress!


Jan 31, 2001
I don't know how old your pipe is but I sent mine back to fmf and they gave me a new one. I had two in a row that cracked and the third I only had a couple of weeks and I smashed it so I don't know how long it would have lasted. Needless to say I am not a fan of FMF quality their service on replacing them was good . I would clean the heck out of it and say it's almost new. The crack will get bigger and even if you weld it, it will crack somewhere else on the weld both of mine cracked in different spots.


Aug 24, 2000

Just about any nickle plated pipe is more likely to crack because the plating process make the metal more brittle. If yours is not plated I don't know what to tell you! I have had more than one pipe crack and ProCircuit sent me a new one no questions asked each time. I have never had a "Factory Finish" pipe crack so that's always an option.:D


Jul 30, 2001
FMF pipe

Don't weld it. If you can wait for a week or two FMF should send you a replacement.
I had 3 gnarly pipes crack for no apparent reason all in the same place on the pipe.
FMF sent me replacements the first two times. No other damage apparent on the pipe, but the third time I was in a hurry and didn't have a back up pipe at the time so I welded it. It lasted a couple of rides and started cracking around the welds. FMF wouldn't do anything about replacement after I welded on it.
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