

Mar 19, 2001
That day probably won't come. Financially it makes more sense to build something with some short cuts, convince the buyer that it is better with a fraction of the money saved on production spent on advertising that your lesser product is better. Please don't misunderstand, the japanese stuff is very good, just not finished and the price is the same.


die you sycophant !
May 22, 2000
1) You mean to tell me that magazine tests are all about advertising bucks? I thought it was about the swag given to the editors and writers. ;)
2)Advertising works? Don't tell soap salesmen, its bad enough already. :p
3) If you can't lead, follow and take all the credit!


Feb 14, 2002
The more pages that a bike manufactuer has of slick full page ads in a dirt bike mag gets better shootout scores? I believe this was implied.

Come on. Don't be one sided or, holy hoof and horn polish, cynical.

I can remember long ago tests of the KTM EXC 250 (2 stroke) being mentioned as probably the best off road bike of all time in the major dirt bike mags and there were no one or two page slick ads from KTM. And there were many good tests and shootouts after that, that KTM won clearly, and their ads in the same mag were minimal when compared to the big three.

And do you remember Cannondales full page ads in the same issues where the editors bombed the poor engineering of their first bike in actual tests?

And Honda's XR 400 has been getting poor scores for years now--backed up with all kinds of two page spread ads.

My point is mags have to try to play fair. Their mag competition would jump on a single mag's throat if they saw an edge to critisize. And it would be happening right now. Look at the disparity of ads between Dirt Bike and Dirt Rider. If someone is cheating here, the word would get out fast.


Mi. Trail Riders
Apr 11, 2001
'Cheks, I hate to break it to you, but he with the most money makes the rules. Why do you think that none of the big brands actually have to go thru the AMA sound test at races (and by that, I mean the corp. teams, not individuals). The industry is the big brands, and everyone knows it. They're not about to go an bite the hand that feeds them. It's not sound business, and that's the way it is. No one says it has to be ethical, just profittable. For the most part, the mag's do try to be fair, but to say something really negative about a companies product, when that company forks out thousands, if not millions, of dollars in ad fee's just wouldn't be that bright. They use that money to pay for the mag, the etra goodies and most importantly the paychecks of everyone, including the guys that do the testing. Can you say 'trickle down'? I'm not trying to slam you at all, I just think that you're being a little nieve.

BTW, great post Boss! :aj: :yeehaw:


Nov 14, 1999
KTM reported a few months ago that the new 450 had one more pony than the '02 520. The 450 would have been a chart topper for sure if that's true.


Sep 15, 2002
my cannondale sounds like a diesel truck idling,still gets plenty of holeshots,also get beat by other colors,its really what you prefer,you are the one riding it right?not what any mag says
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