CRF450 Jettings?


Jul 22, 2002
Hi all ,
Today i raced in the sand for the first time with my CRF450 '03 .The track was made of heavy wet sand and we had to open the throttle very strong in some big long mud lines.
When i finished the race , i saw that i was loosing some coolant under the bike so i checked the coolant and i had to refill almost 150 ml (is it much?).
Is it due to lean jetting(Main jet:170) or is it normal because the engine was very hot because of the conditions of the race?
How can i see if the jetting is correct or too lean on a four strokes except the spark of course?
Another thing if i "block the engine" even if i pull the hot start lever i have difficulties for restarting.
Thanks for your answers and advices.
Sorry if i made a lot of mistakes but i speak better french than english and i try to do my best.
Best regards Nico
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May 22, 2000
deep sand is a pretty big demand on any bike. the crf also has a tendency to over heat. as long as your moving at a good speed you should be ok. just keep an eye on your fluid levels. engine oil ive noticed will drop as well after a hard ride. i have heard some woods riders talk about overheating there bikes in long events. but i think you should be ok. just keep taking care of your 50hrp baby, it'll be fine :)


Apr 5, 2002
As far as overheating and losing coolant, I've posted on this and it seems that most people think you just can't let this bike sit and idle or ride at very slow speeds. I generally lose a little bit of fluid out the drain hose at every ride if I don't pay attention. As far as the jetting, I love it the way it is. I really don't know if this plays a part in the overheating issue. It seems to me that the bike is a race machine and needs to be ran hard. As far as starting the bike, I rarely have to use the hot start lever, unless the bike is hot and I am trying to start it in gear. I have never been able to start the bike in gear without the hot start lever. Hope this helps.
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