CRF450 Suspension


Oct 5, 2008
Hey guys... I have been riding my XR400 for a few months now and having a really great time.

I am riding trail and I have goofed around on a local track that is in my park. I have no desire to race but I have enjoyed jumping it around a little.

I recently rode a guys CRF450 at the park.
Ok... wow...way different power and boy does 50-60 lbs less make a difference in riding a bike!

So my question is this.

I am 6'1" tall and about 255 lbs.

Can the stock suspension handle someone my size (I am mostly concerned about weight) or will I have to make some suspension changes in sprigs etc... to make it work right.

Again my size and weight, trail riding and some jumping, climbing and maye ride on the track in my park for goofing off. I have no desire to compete.

Any thoughs on it would be great... I am glad to be back on a dirt is even more fun that I remember...


COTT Champ Emeritus
Damn Yankees
Aug 31, 2000
Can you ride it as is, sure. But to get the most out of the suspension you should respring the bike for your weight.


May 10, 2007
Worst case is it will bottom alot. If it does you will need to stiffen it up. If you're just plonkin' around the track you will probly be fine on the stock setup.


May 10, 2007
And make sure you set the sag as close as possible.
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