Current price on 520's?

Scott in KC

Aug 28, 2000
Think I'm going to make the jump here pretty soon! Anyone chime in here with the latest prices they've paid or seen. Seem to be a lot of '01 MXC models around still and with the '02's on the way you'd think they would be making some kind of deals. I mean as soon as you take the '01 off the floor it's $1000 less if you resold it the next day. Unfortunately dealers don't think that way. Freedom here in KC has '01 520 MXC for $7148 + $58 fee of somekind. Can get the '02 EXC for $7348. I think I'm leaning toward the EXC, unless an epic deal could be made on the MXC.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
I have found if you wait until the off season there are some smoking deals to be made, just depends if you want to wait or not. I picked up my '96 in early March of '97 for a DEEP discount and have seen the same type of deals available each year.


Jun 5, 2001
I Agree!!

I agree with PatMan! I always wait until Feb or March to buy! Even buying the new (current) models, this is usually the slow time for the dealers here in the north (after snowmo sales start to drop off) and they are usually willing to "sacrifice" on a bike or two to make their numbers by months end. Just my .02 - Good luck!!

Scott in KC

Aug 28, 2000

Sounds good. No real hurry. BTW, What's the availability going to be on the CR450F's? Any idea if anyone will be able to get one or will they be scarce like the KTM's were the first year? Haven't even asked the dealer about those yet.


Dec 1, 1999
I've been looking around for a 520 MXC myself. If you look on there is a dealer in FL with EXC and MXC's for $6500 and another in WI with about the same price. I talked to the guy in Florida and he is willing to ship. I expect the '01 520MXC's will be around for good deals all over in the next month....'02's are due in August at my local shop.

I actually followed up on a tip for a dealer in Fresno, Ca last Friday, that had an ad for an MXC for $300 off. I was on a trip that took me by them so I stopped in ( with cash in hand ) and found out that they wanted $500!!!! "assembly"...guy starts in on the used car salesmen routine, after I told him I wasn't going to play, so I turned and walked out.

I think you're right, it's better to wait for an '02 if you've got to pay retail to get it than buy an '01 at retail....or even a couple of hundred off. It's going to need to be close to a grand to get me to bite on an '01. I think the days of the waiting lists for RFS are closest dealer has one deposit on an '02, this time last year they had 17!:eek:

I think alot of people are lining up to by the Honda. It will be crazy at first but I bet you'll be able to walk in and buy one off the floor by the first of the year.....That's what happened with the XR650's. Honda certainly has the production capacity to build enough to meet market demand. And after seeing Yamaha and KTM's first year....and the "missed" sales, I'm sure Honda will build a BUNCH!:cool:


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
I was at my local house of orange this weekend and saw a fresh 520 MXC being loaded into a guys truck so I'm pretty sure the RFS shortage is not as bad as it was at first. EXPECT the CRF to be just like the RFS and YZ/WRF's all were, in short supply for a while then you'll see lightly used ones poping up when the buys realize it isn't exactly what they needed or the newness wears off and dealers start having a few on the shelf. Just like any hot new product something newer and hotter WILL be just around the corner. Playing the waiting game typically pays off very well and often sooner than you think.


Nov 8, 1999
Originally posted by Scott in KC
BTW, What's the availability going to be on the CR450F's? Any idea if anyone will be able to get one or will they be scarce like the KTM's were the first year? Haven't even asked the dealer about those yet.

I have money down on the CRF. I am # 15 on our local dealers list. They have been alloted 32. They are available through deposit. I have to wait until November for delivery.

I also think Patman is right about the secondary market after release. I am just too curious about the bike not to buy one. If this bike turns out to be too much bike for me, like my '99 380, then you will see MY CRF for sale. I sure hope not though! However, I am keeping my 300, so who cares. I love that 300:)


Jul 25, 2001
I have 2000 520 SX I'm getting ready to sell for around 5K. The new 2002 list price is about 6599. The MXC and EXC are around 200 dollars more. Most people are paying about $7000 to $7500 out the door. Hope that helps


Jul 20, 2001
Wish I knew where all those screamin' deals on leftover 2001 520 EX/C's were. Here in Colorado, every dealer has been sold out for months. There are a few MXC's, no EXC's. I told one dealer I was looking for one, he rudely replied, "you and everybody else." I did finally get one last week, but had to drive out of state more than 1100 miles to bring it home. I think there may be a few here and there, but I doubt big discounts are going to happen on the 520EXC, since there is no guarantee on getting the 2002 right away either unless you are far up the wait list.:think
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Dirk Diggler

Jun 28, 2001
I am glad I am number one on the waiting list for a 02 520 exc with my dealer. I will be roosting in one week. He says he could sell his allocated stock 3 times over.
It is costing me $11,750. Cheap hey?


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Should look harder there also happens to be a 520MXC and a 400 EXC listed plus there MAY be a few in the back room as well. The price? Not a smokin' deal today but come September if they're still around I'd bet you'd be suprised. These are top notch folks and they treat ya' right, been around for a long time and try to always do the right thing.


Jul 20, 2001
The 01' 520 EX/C I bought was in Omaha at for $6948. A fair price for his last one. The website still lists it, but it's gone. Fay Myers had 2 MXC's, and a dealer in Colorado Springs had 1, so here at least, the MXC is easier to find. When you get yours, you can tell us what a screamin' deal it was. By the way, in addition to that Austin bike, I had found another one in Post Falls Idaho. The east coast is so far away, I could not consider. They do seem to be out there, here and there, but if any real deep discounting is to ever take place on '01 400/500 EXC's, it likely will be for a scattered few bikes, if any.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Yikes!:eek: No need to get bent out of shape. Besides the fact that I never stated I was going to purchase a 400/520 RFS this year or even next year having a bike discounted is generally based upon it being a one off or one of a few that a dealer has on hand and is looking to move because of new stock/new models arriving. Nobody EVER said KTM would be doing a big price slash end of model year close out like you find on cars and trucks. The RFS's are still in demand BUT not every part of the country moves them as quickly. Besides if you were the dealer would you want a 2001 sitting around when you had a whole flock of 2002's waiting to be sold. Might kinda' indicate to a perspective buyer that if they wait you out they can get the upper hand. Nope the answer is get that 2001 out the door, take a little hicky if you need to and then reap the benifits of having "sold out" of last years models.

Really man chill out it's not a harsh environment around here.:)


Nov 8, 1999
Why is 'The Deal' so important. Admittedly, I do the same thing, grind, grind, grind. Or, when buying used, little persuasive tactics. You know, if you really want the bike, buy it. You are going to have so many hours of great fun (and maybe physical pain), a couple of hundred extra dollars is worth it.

I am probably just typing this to passify myself, since I am paying full retail for my next bike PLUS sales tax. Oh well, that's what I get for buying a newly introduced bike!:eek:


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Absolutly right Strick, it's not about the deal although it sometimes doesn't hurt :D If you want something you as the person laying out the $$$ needs to decide what's important. Do I want it now, can I wait and will waiting be worth it. I saved $1700 on my bike which made it worthwhile to ME. Saving $500 would not have been a big deal.

And YES you are just trying to make yourself feel better for paying full pony on a rice bike:p


Dec 4, 2000
Got my 520mxc from these guys...They were straight up to deal with on the phone. . Their page says that they have a 520mxc for $6698, a 400 mxc for $6495, and a 400exc for $6585. with no additional "prep" charges. They had loctited everything on my bike (I went over it anyway) I also did not pay taxes, so I saved about $1050 from buying local which at the time was not an option anyway. Good luck.


Jul 20, 2001
Well if I'm bent out of shape, (and I guess I am...), it's because to me, they are already sold out!!!! Last thing I wanted to do was drive 1100 miles, spend $150 on gas, food and motel, lose 2 days, to get a great deal??? the other posters's about getting the bike, forget the cost. I'd have paid $7750-7800 to get it local. That's what the guys waiting for 2002's will be paying, give or take. Because the point is, if a dealer in Rhode Island has to take $500-1000 off the ticket to get a local guy to buy it because no one from Colorado wants to drive that far, then it's completely irrelevant to me. So for a screamin' deal perhaps, on an insignificant number of available bikes, I take the chance of not getting one by waiting. See?


Dec 1, 1999
I guess the reason I waited is I only keep a bike about a year...If I buy an '01 this month for "retail" I loose 2k in a year. If I buy an '02 next month I lose if I find a "deal" on an '01 for 1k guys can do the math:confused:

I think we got off on a bit of a tangent here, if you bought one local...paid retail...are happy, GOOD FOR YOU! :)

I'm willing to wait for "when and if" I can get a bit of a deal so I'm better off at resale time;) But that's just what's best for me, I enjoy the HUNT for a deal:cool: That's part of the fun for me....All I can say is they must be GREAT bikes because there are very few for sale used! :eek:


Jul 20, 2001
I agree with this. But $1000 off on an '01 doesn't matter unless you can get it local. It cost me more than that by quite a bit to go get the sucker in Omaha. Getting it local wasn't an option for me at any price.

Exception...there was an '01 in the paper advertised as "new." I called up, and asked the guy, "Are you a dealer?" He said no so I asked how he could be selling a new bike..."Oh,'s got 34 miles, you see my feet are bad and I've got this new house to pay for, and I'm a motivated seller etc etc." Of course...the "new" bike warranty is only 30 days for racing bikes, so this is the kind of crap I was facing. By the way, that idiot said he would not take less than $7750. No takers here...


Dec 1, 1999
If you find a bike you want "long distance" check into Forwardair. The quote for me to ship the 520 from FL to me in CA was $230.

I bought a Buell from a shop in OH, that one came by Yellow Lines, in my driveway for $280.;)

It's a small "leap of faith" to buy this way...don't know if I'd do it from a private party...but from a dealer it seems to work out fine:)

My experiences with Private Party's is about the same as just can't educate people that don't know what something is worth or what they want for it...I never call ads with no price:think

You're got a great bike! Enjoy!:)


Nov 8, 1999
The pricing quandry: You want high book (or more) for the bike you have for sale. You want to pay low book (or lower) for a bike you want to buy. Look in your local newpaper you will see many examples of this.

I do it several times a year:p

Scott in KC

Aug 28, 2000
No doubt Buell! My favorite ads are the ones that say "FIRM!" First thing that comes to my mind is "UP YOURS!" Ya, that's the ad I want to call on, some jackass looking for a low flying angel to pay retail for his overpowered bike that he dropped 3 times. It's the art of the deal man, regardless of what you're selling you have got to put some "feel good" money in there or have a bottom dollar in mind to make it happen.


Dec 1, 1999
I love those too! I'm often temped to call one that says "$4500 FIRM" and offer $4499:p "FIRM" is one of the dumest things you can put in an ad - IMHO:confused: Right after "Call for price" - translation - > Call me so I can explain why you should pay me more that it's worth!;)

I'm shopping for two bikes right now....bought and sold 8 in the past two years, but just when I think I've seen it all! Somebody will surprise me! :think


Jun 29, 1999
Originally posted by Dirk Diggler
It is costing me $11,750. Cheap hey?

If the exchange rate is anything to go by, yeah. I mean, for US$8000, I could buy an 02 520 and an 02 kdx200 and have both of them regd and street legal.
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