
Mar 15, 2000
Really good article in this months magazine.

They test (if I remember right)
GasGas 300e

I've had a chance to ride most of these bikes. I think most of their comments are pretty accurate. Heck, I've reached a point where I get most of my info from Jimmy Lewis at CycleWorld or from the weekly CycleNews. Most of the rest of the mags are written for 16 year old dreamers.....

BTW, the WR250F had the worst lap times. Have a couple of buddies racing them, they are not exactly estatic with the little thumpers.....


Jan 17, 2001
Just curious, what are the complaints your buddies have with the WR250 thumpers? I've been trying to get a ride on one and am very curious about getting one next year for my next motorcycle. Any observations or thoughts about the snivels and dislikes on them is most appreciated. Also, thanks for the heads up about the Cycle World article. I'll be heading to the bookstore tomorrow to pick up a copy. :D


Feb 5, 2001
Cycle world shootout

Just got the new Cycle World ,as said above excellent article !! I've rode the 200 ,250 , 426 and 520(mine :) ) and couldn't agree more with the result .
I didn't find the 250 to be that bad ....until i stepped on it just after riding my KTM...it was hot and very hard to get running:(,it really felt like a fat but strong 125 , it'fun to ride in narrow and twisty trail though:)...Cycle World is in my opinion one of the most informative U.S. magazine ,Mr Lewis as a very European way of seeing things ...more in line with Moto Crampons:) and Moto Verte than with Dirtbike and Motocross action ,and that's a good thing ,article made for real world dirtbiker ,not for 16 years old wannabe...;)

please forgive my bad english !


Dec 25, 1999
What I really liked about the article was that they tested the bikes stock. They didn't put on $2000 worth of modifications that most people can't afford anyway. I just wish Cycle World was a little more dirt oriented. Sometimes you can pick up an issue and there will be nothing dirt related in it.


Sep 20, 1999
i subscribed to cw, even tho i have no interest in street bikes, b/c it was cheap & i like jimmy lewis. i renewed my sub b/c of jimmy lewis & b/c the editors took a VERY strong stand against the roadless initiative, despite taking some pretty good heat from some readers (including a bunch of cancellations). they never backed down on it 1 bit.

Sierra Flash

Dec 29, 2000

I just hope my competition buys something else, I am the only one doing 40 minute motos in practice here. My lap times are down coming off a 250 2 stroke, only Carmichael needs that much wheel spin. Just hope off the track and tackle any trail you choose.


Aug 22, 2000
What I really liked about the article was that they tested the bikes stock.

Which is why the WR had such a poor showing. With the throttle stop in place, the snorkel on the airbox and the snuffer in the muffler, the WR puts out about the same hp as an XR200 (around 14hp).

This is one bike that should not be tested in stock form, since nobody rides it that way!

Bob Brooks

Jan 6, 2001
According to the article in Cycle World, they did remove the muffler insert from the test bike. It wasn't mentioned, but I would assume they removed the throttle stop as well. I can't imagine a rider of Jimmy Lewis' caliber testing it the way it rolls off the showroom.


Mar 15, 2000
Wrong article, you posted the one from a year ago.....

No way did the WR250F have the throttle stop, Yamaha would have removed it.

Heck they rated the bikes in the following order:
Rider Evals
1. KTM 200exc
2. Suz DRZ400E
3. KTM 520exc
4. GasGas XC300
5. TM 125E
6. Yam WR250F

Lap times
1. KTM520exc
2. KTM200exc
3. Suz DRZ400E
4. TM 125E
5. GasGas XC300
6. Yam WR250F

Comments from the WR250F
a. "bogs more often than it rips"
b. "our WR suffered from poor lap times and wasn't as much fun as most guys expected it to be"

Geeze, wonder if maybe the mags overhyped the WR250F, just like they did the Cannondale.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 1, 2001
They must have been testing a pretty sick WR250F! I also question where their testing was done since I find it hard to believe the Suzuki would turn faster "lap" times than three of the other lighter and more nimble bikes. Heck, if the 520 KTM (Kick Till Monday ) beat out the 200 KTM, it must have been a desert race! It must have been a pretty wide open trail, in which case, shame on them for calling it an "enduro shootout".

It sounds like they should have tested a YZ250F instead. :p


Mar 15, 2000
Badger, good point on the lap times. They mentioned that in a longer lap, or a longer ride, that the 520 would have been slower, as the rider woulda worn out. I've found personally, that for short distances, even on really tight trails, that larger bikes can do pretty good, but the rider eventually tires....

Only a portion of the loop was tight singletrack, some was more open desert type two track.

My next enduro bike will be a 250 two stroke enduro, probably a KTM250exc. I was able, in my younger years, to make it to the A class for enduros on a KX500. Now that I'm over 40, I'm going back to less powerful bikes for enduro racing (and easy to start, and light).

Ann Brooks - you really ought to look hard at a kdx200 (or Ktm or GG or TM) for enduro racing. Much better performance than the 250 four strokes, start easy,light..... I can start one of our beginner's KDX's with my hand when they are unable to kick start the bike when in a precarious position (sidehill dropoff).


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 1, 2001
Yeah, I'm with ya on the smaller bike theory. I rode A-vet on a KDX 200 almost ten years ago. If that old 200 would have had the suspension of my YZ250F it would have been the perfect cycle. I believe that for woods riding, smaller is better provided the suspension and handling is comparable.

I traded a KTM 250EXC for my YZF and have not had any real regrets. I am faster on the Yammie, I don't get tired, and my arms don't pump up anymore.


Mar 15, 2000
Badger, you weren't the guy I talked to out on the trail at the Coalinga National earlier, were you. The guy I spoke with was just coming off a 250 two stroke, and was not too happy.

I live at 7,000' and at that elevation (and above) the bigger bikes have quite a soft hit....

If I was racing only at sealevel, I'd ride a KTM200.....

PS. My Butt is also quite large ;o)


Mi. Trail Riders
Jan 1, 2001
Originally posted by Buckholz
Badger, you weren't the guy I talked to out on the trail at the Coalinga National earlier, were you. The guy I spoke with was just coming off a 250 two stroke, and was not too happy.

I live at 7,000' and at that elevation (and above) the bigger bikes have quite a soft hit....

If I was racing only at sealevel, I'd ride a KTM200.....

PS. My Butt is also quite large ;o)

Nope, it was not me, never been there plus I could not be much happier with the Yammer. My YZF has been flawless, unlike the WRF's (so I have heard). It's 10-15 pounds lighter than my old KTM, handles better, has MUCH better suspension, and is almost as quick. I was shopping for a 200EXC when I heard about the YZ250F so I changed my plans because the 4-stroke appealed to me.


Aug 22, 2000
I can't imagine a rider of Jimmy Lewis' caliber testing it the way it rolls off the showroom.

Unfortunately, it seems like the better a rider is, the worse his grasp of tech stuff!

Nothing against Jimmy (he rides minis with our parts in them), he's a great racer, it just drives me nuts when these guys try to get technical.

In most cases (although Cycle World is better than most), a mechanic could tell a mag. editor they used dried goat feces for cam/rocker lube instead of moly dricote and they'd print it.

I guess there really is no "fair" shootout of this diverse a group of bikes. Each will shine in different conditions and under different riders.

Unfortunately, the only way to tell if a bike is right for you is to ride it. In most cases, no dealer on the planet will let you take a bike out for the weekend and test it!

I feel very fortunate to have a job that allows me to test at least a few of the new models every year.

drz mick

Jun 2, 2001
Oh no ! Serious dilemma !
I have a DRZ400 E here in the UK but am very interested in the KTM200 EXC and a 'European only' version the KTM200 EGS (essentially the same with 'Autolube' no mixing, horn, indicators etc) but the bikes seem to come out very close in the Cycle World shoot out.
Is the KTM more fun ?
Things may also be complicated because our Euro DRZ's come with an awesome unbaffled silencer giving more power BUT also 104 dB which kills the neighbours on warm up !:eek:


Mi. Trail Riders
Dec 6, 1999
The previous post on heavier 4 strokes wearing out riders (especially older ones like me) is right on. I've got a WR400, my son rides a YZ250F. Last time we went out, I was done in, while he wanted to keep going. So I said I'll keep going if we switched bikes. What a difference! I was able to keep going easily. While I've been less than stellar on the WR400 since I got it due to weight (but do love the motor!), I've kept it for 3 years. Now's the time to think of a change...
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