Cylinder Question--Damaged???


Dec 3, 1999
Doing the top-end on my '99 rm250. The piston came out with some pretty good grooving on the intake side. Looking at the cylinder, it is fine except for the intake ports seem to be more of a sharp edge where they enter the cylinder than a rounded-off hole. Can this just be smoothed off with a file (right on the edge only, of course), or do I have a real problem here?

Thanks for any info.


Jun 21, 2000
I remember reading here that chamfering the edges of the ports is a very important part of a cylinder porting job and that it should be left to a very experienced tuner. I think that the Suzuki plating is good but very brittle and easy to damage. If you don't know what you're doing, it could end up costing more.
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