cylinder question


Jan 18, 2004
I took off the cylinder on my 84' kdx 80 the other day and was surprised to see how rough the outside edges are on the openings of the intake and on the outer edges of the exhaust ports inside the cylinder. I cleaned off all the carbon and am surprised to see how weird it looks. These don't seemed damaged but the openings looks like Kawasaki etch-a-sketched the openings. Is this normal and could I use a dremel tool to slightly even them out? Any advice is greatly appreciated.


Jan 18, 2004
any ideas please...

Couldn't anyone take a moment and please help me out here? Should I re-post and leave out the kdx 80 part and put this in another forum? thanks


Sponsoring Member
Nov 27, 2001
I'd post without the kx80 reference. Eric Gorr and a few others in the performance section should have a ton to say about this. they don't troll here with the exception of Rich Rohrich once in a while. Can you ge a pic of the ports to post because I cannot really decipher whay you are talking about. I haven't really worked on the older 80's though.
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