Dealer/Product review: Dual Sport America a.k.a. California Dual Sport


Nov 28, 2006
Dual sport kit was mostly UFO with a Trick Dual Sport harness. So, the product was good, and the price was good. I got the system for $425.

The service, on the other hand, was terrible. Lee Shaw, don't know if he's the owner or just a rep, wouldn't give me straight answers to any of my questions. For example, when asked for a tracking number or when my kit was sent, after waiting a week after my kit was supposed to arrive, my only response was "soon". This is the typical answer I received. He bitched about me emailing too much, and actually said I was bothering him at one point, but I only emailed so many times because he would only answer every other one, and the answers he did finally give didn't answer my questions.

In the end, he didn't honor the entire deal, and now won't return my emails. I've tried contacting him five times over the last month. He left out an ignition switch worth almost $50, and won't send it to me. I've decided just to let it go at this point. Guys like this will self-destruct sooner or later.

Bottom line is, don't deal with this guy! The deal IS too good to be true!! Did I wind up with a kit cheaper than anywhere else, sure, but with it came an abusive dealer, no customer support, missing parts, and no guarantee.

I didn't get on here to just sling mud. I just thought I'd let you guys know.
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