I know that every one thinks that I am crazy, but after 17 years on ****s, I have much better control of thumb throttles than twist throttles. I am considering switching to a four stroke bike, but most four strokes have two throttle cables. Does anyone have experience putting a thumb throttle on this type of configuration?
Seriously, I do catch alot of flack over my thumb throttle, but it is throttle control is easier on a thumb throttle. Most people who have riden my bike have been suprised that they liked it.
Well, I think it's kinda wierd, but I won't knock what I haven't tried.
To answer your question indirectly, the two-cable system is a push-pull system. Many riders convert them to a conventional single-cable system by simply eliminating the push cable, so I don't see why you couldn't put the thumb thingy on it.
Back in Jr. High I rode a classmate's clapped out YZ 100 that was equipped with a thumb throttle. It was very weird. I ended up dumping it in a turn partially because of the throttle and partially because I was inexperienced at riding dirt bikes.
I once read the reason a twist throttle works so well on a bike is because you are almost always in a balanced state when you lean a motorcycle to turn. Becuase of this you don't need to jerk the bars from side to side like you would on a ****. For that reason twist throttles often don't work very well on ****s and snowmachines because you have to use the bars as something to hang off of when inputing body english to turn at high speed.
Thumb throttle will not work. They will work for play riding but when you go to racing and need to move around you will have problems with the thumb throttle. When i first used one i could not even get it steady and was hard to get used to. The thumb throttle does not let you use it in any position. So on a dirt bike when you have to move around you will have to twist your hand more and will just hurt you more. Just get used to it.
Originally posted by Treestomper Thumb throttle will not work. They will work for play riding but when you go to racing and need to move around you will have problems with the thumb throttle.