DRN Fantasy SX season kicks off in less then 2 weeks


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
If you are new to DRN or watched the teams compete in the outdoors last summer while thinking I could kick their butts here is your chance. The new season starts Saturday january 6th and the more teams competing the more fun . Entry is just $10 and all entry fees will be 100% payout to at least the top 4 spots (more payout spots if more then 14 teams or up) There is also the bragging rights as Pitsally champ almost as prestigious as the SX champ :rotfl:

If you want in here is where to find the rules


here is where your questions will be answerred


And here is the thread to pick your team



Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
For $10 how can you go wrong- playing the fantasy SX gets you involved in following the season and racers plus you just might get crowned the DRN Fantasy SX 2007 champ :cool: or better yet the DRN PITSALLY :nener: . Finish high enough and you may even get a little cash back for you bike :nod: .
First race is this weekend hope to see all the old teams and some new ones. Remember the deadline to pick a team for this weekend is tommorow (Friday).

Don't wait and miss it- :(
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