DRN Fantasy SX season kicks off January 3


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
OK here we go for the 10th season of SX fantasy racing here on DRN :cool: The more teams we have the more fun it is. This is a perfect chance to show your bench racing prowess and maybe walk away with the crown of 2009 SX Fantasy Champion (and a few $$$$ in your pocket)
Every year the racing gets pretty intense as each team tries to outguess each other in order to take the final title of DRN Fantasy SX Champion. Here is the list of previous season Champs http://www.dirtrider.net/forums3/showthread.php?t=151100
The team pick thread is up and posted here http://www.dirtrider.net/forums3/showthread.php?p=1322594#post1322594

The rules are listed here

If you have any questions post them in this thread and you will get an answer before the gate drops at Anaheim I


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
Where is everyone???
Hopefully nikki and red are reading this on some far off exotic beach since they have been missing a couple weeks now.
This year should be one of the more interesting seasons in a while with the new 450 class riders. For once maybe there will be a couple serious contenders
less then a week now to the first race


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
Dave, Troy and I are in again, I'll paypal over some cash. I should have enough computer access during my vacation to make my picks, otherwise expect some phone calls to enter them for me!