dual sport


Feb 17, 2010
Hey all im going to buy a dual sport and i would like your guys' opinion right now i have 0 dollars but im looking to spend between $700-1500 by the end of summer
The two bikes ive got my eye on are a legalized 1987 xr 250r for $700 or a legalized 1997 klx 650r for $1200 i plan on getting taller sprockets for highway use

As far as riding it would be my daily driver everyday it isn't raining
and every once in a while at least 4 or 5 times each fall alone i would would make a 100 mile round trip for deer and elk camp, and also how good will these bikes keep up with my brothers cbr 929 i dont want to be left completely in the dust

reliability, known, issues etc. let me know or subscribe a better bike


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Sounds like it's more pavement than dirt? If so the Kawi. That's pretty steep for the XR. I don't think there is any one specific perfect bike especially when dealing with you budget except for the one that is in the best condition and does what you will need it to do.

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
I had a dual sported '90 XR250R with a high compression 277cc piston. It was underpowered at highway speeds. You won't be keeping up with a CBR929 unless you unplug 3 of his spark plug wires, lol. Don't expect much acelleration above 50 mph, especially if you alter the gearing. I think that '87 still had the drum rear brake. For trail riding with the occaisional jump on the road the XR would be great.

If you plan on regular highway use or riding with a passenger, you want at least a 400cc dual sport, IMO.


May 10, 2007
You'd be better off to get a cheap older street bike and save up for a dirt bike. A decent bike to do both will be about 3 grand. Dual sport bikes are fun around town and off road but you'll not be so impressed after a long run on the highway at 65 or 70 mph if you're running knobbies.


Feb 17, 2010
ya i figured as much on the 250 but it was cheap and in good condition compared to the other 250s does anyone make a good street/dirt tire for stock rims or a knobby that is made of hard rubber like on cars instead of the usual soft rubber
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