This is a warning to those who ride offroad intoxicated in the commi state of california. while california politicians were thinking about handing out drivers licenses to illegal aliens my license was confiscated by san bernadino sherrifs, 7 of them to be exact. I had a few beers and went for a ride on my daughters xr80, i was out in the desert the whole time untill i rode over a quiet 2 lane road to go back home and then was when it all happened , i got stopped. the rest is not so long ago history. the bike was towed, stored at $30.00 a day , which I found out later! now it would cost more to pull it out than buy a new one. anyway there it is , if anybody has had similar fun give me some advice, they told me a person can get a dui on horseback or riding a motorized skateboard.signed a Nevada resident