Engine Mods??


Jul 20, 2006
I have a 2005 YZ 125. Looking to do some motor work after the first of the year. I have seen people talking about the 144 kit, also Athena offers the Factory WORCS series head and high compression piston. Wondering which I could do to get the best performance and the most reliability. Or should I just stick with a really good port job?


Apr 8, 2005
Get an Eric Gorr 144 - includes whatever porting you want, whatever compression you want and the overbore.


Jul 20, 2006
how reliable is it though? I am in the military and dont really have the money to be rebuilding every few hours of riding or after everyweekend of racing


Apr 8, 2005
Had it done over the winter. No issues at all thus far. The 144 piston weighs about 1/2 an ounce more than the stock 125 piston, so there's very little extra weight to put stress on the bottom end.

I haven't replaced either the ring or the piston yet. Iwas going to ring it last week, but everything checked out ok, so . . . The motor has approximately 15 race motos, 6-8 practices and 10-15 other hours of play riding/practice on it.

Dirtrider.net member "bclapham" also had a 2002 RM144. If I recall, he was 200+ lbs and racing at very hilly Glen Helen. If I recall, he replaced the ring every 5 races and the piston every 10. He replaced the crank at one and one half seasons.

Eric Gorr recommends 5 hours for rings and 10 hours for pistons for non-expert riders. (Note: That's actual ride time - in a typical 2 or 3 hour "ride" I find I'm actually on the bike for maybe an hour.) Eric's recommendations are just that - recommendations. He's seen an expert blow a 144 motor in an hour, and he had a 144 go 100 hours on the same piston.

It's all in how you ride it. Use a good 2 stroke oil (Eric recommended Mobil1 Racing 2T) and you should be good to go for quite awhile.


Apr 8, 2005
Last I heard he was still taking orders, but he may not be. If not you'll either have to look elsewhere or wait until fall.
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