Eric Gorr ?'s for anyone who has used his services


Jan 27, 2004
My bike developed a vibration at the end of this riding season so I am tearing the bike down and redoing it.(everyone i ride with either broke, or blew up so Im tearing it down now) My question is I was thinking of sending in my top end to get a port and polish job done at Forward Motion, but then I realized i might have a bad crank bearing, so I may send the whole thing in

Has anyone here used them and have you got the port polish and head mods done? I run a FMF woods pipe and a boyeson rad valve, is it worth it to do it with this pipe and reeds, meaning how much more will it wake up?

I am going through pretty much everything, new plastic, new IMS tank, new front tire, front and rear suspension mods with gold valves and figure I might as well go through the motor as well just to be safe.

thanks guys


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
Eric does excellant work and at the most reasonable prices ever. I am prejediced tho because he has worked miracles keeping my sons 250F running thru 2 motor blowups this season (both were freak things causing the problems).
BTW did you make sure the vibration was internal and not a loose motor mount? I had that happen last season and was in panick mode at a race until another friend looked it over and found the mount problem


Dec 30, 2002
I've used Eric for some porting and other motor work and have been happy with the results. For KDX work though, I use and would really recommend Jeff Fredette. He's on top of the KDX game and has been for a long time. He's been a great resource for the KDX community so I try to do as much business with him as I can. If your motor would need any parts he would be able to supply them (new or used) to get the job done economically.


Jul 31, 2000
Eric did my motor...couldn't be happier. He does great work, prices are most reasonable, turn around time was awesome. And he answered all my ignorant questions veeerrryyy patiently.


May 3, 2001
Eric turned my '99 KTM 300exc into a 310 with Mo Better Everywhere porting. This was after the power valve broke the top ring, so the cylinder was welded, bored, and rechromed. Eric was very prompt when he received it from me, then back from the chromer. He's also an amazing source of knowledge and experienced on all dirt bike engines, as his very good book would indicate. My KTM runs awesome with the same great killer low end and a good top end (that it never had), even with an FMF Gnarly woods pipe.

However, it took ~6 weeks to get it back due to delays at US Chrome (hit them in vacation time, June/July). But that's exactly what everyone will tell you if you need a cylinder rechromed, to allow 4-8 weeks.


Jan 27, 2004
Thanks guys, I just got off the phoe with Eric 5 minutes ago, Im ordering the 225 kit and the race gas head mods, (I only run race fuel through it anyway) . Anyone know what kind of power to expect with this?
I ordered an IMS fuel tank and Maier MX black plastic for it, Im seriously thinking of doing a couple hair scrambles with it next summer (Minnesota winters so no year round riding for me) I just started riding dirt last spring and am addicted to it, Hopefully I can build a pretty fast bike (I got my '99 in mint condition last winter with 300 soft miles on it for $1000, with a nice ramp to boot) so I figured I could put money into it, make nearly as fast as a 250, and to my exact likings all for less than a beat up 250 :ride: :)


Nov 11, 2002
You will love the power of the bike with the 225 kit. It is plenty luggable and will ripp when you open it up. If you havent done it already you should respring your forks to help make the added power useable.


Mar 27, 2002
Eric rocks.
I have one of his 225 kits aswell and it is truely nothing short of amazing.
The workmanship is great.
Don't hesitate to call Eric. He's an excellent lad and takes the time to answer any/all you questions.



Jan 22, 2004
I have been around motorsports all of my life, sprint cars , midget , indy cars , local stock cars , late
models and now motocross for the last 2 years. Eric is the nicest and most professional person I have ever had the pleasure of doing business with. I often hear stories of others and what they thier money on, Ijust smile and tell of my dealings with Eric, they look at me with disbelieF. After the race they always want to know more about him. BEST PRICES, BEST SERVICES, BEST GUY YO DO IT.
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