Euro MX- what's the US perception?


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
mxer842, I know I was there at that race and I rode that track as well.....Point still remains, the back section for me was a lot more fun to watch. I agree with yout assessment that we have a handful of the best and then the Best of the rest are comparable to the best Euro's. For that matter some ARE ex-Euro competitors. Ryan Huges, Grant Langston, Mike Brown, to name a few. We have had the top guys like former champion Alberton and others as well.....all good stuff. I just like the GP type racing better. More fun for me to watch.


Apr 17, 2002
Wow, if reaction to this post is an indication there is alot of interest in seeing a true world championship materialise. Realistically though due to the calendar, distance of shipping teams and the costs involved I can't see it happening soon, sadly. As a parting comment, alot of the posts mention Evertsas the main contender, yes he is quick and has been for years now, but he's not the only one, there are plenty of his peers riding just as well(but suffering from mechanical DNF's), Pichon, Chiodi, Stribos, Smet, and there are also so many younger quicker riders coming through in the new wave in both MX1 and MX2, Coppins, Townley, Rattray, Meo, Pourcell, Leok, Sword....look out for these guys, particularly Townley who I reckon will be on your side of the pond next year, if he continues to improve his speed like he has done lately, and has time to mature also then I think you will be seeing him on the US podiums in '05/06. Thanks for all the comments, Sully.

Car crash over? come the medics!


Nov 5, 2001
Townley has signed on for the GPs for two more years, i think (hope) this is a sign they are turning a corner.


Sep 10, 2003
Muddy226 thanx for the info on Pit, for some reason the moto GP site I visit has gone blinkers on me. It really does turn my stomach when someone like Pit who I have heard/read nothing but good things gets buggered like that, new baby and all, truly sucks. One editorial I read blamed the accident on trying to make the GP's more like an SX event, not able to fully comprehend that being over here and all. Anyway, cheers, keep the rubber side down, helmet side up. As a side note, my wife wants to do a Isle's garden tour while I on the other hand would like to do a GP tour, my roots lie around the Undavalla area but we will see. Take care all.
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