EXC standard jets and values? Conflicts


Mar 5, 2004
Please ignore (wrong forum)

Could someone please confirm the standard jets on a 95 ktm exc? I have terrible plug fouling and suspect the jetting. It currently has a 185 main, idling jet a 48 and a NOZH(N02H?) needle with the clip in position 2 from the top. Air screw is at 2.5 turns out! My carb is a Keihin PWK 9 KTBC 1J.

I have found conflicting evidence on the site ktminfo.com where they list the standard carb for that bike to be a Keihin PWK 39 with a different(N85D) needle :ugg: , are these the same carbs?

The bike came with no info from the seller, I am now running 40:1 mix after trying 50:1. The plug is wet and oily and the pipe is spoogy, I assume this to be an over-rich mixture. I wish to start jetting from standard but would like to be assured of the correct values. Also, are the following true?

1.Needle clip moved up= leaner
2.Main jet no. reduced = leaner
3.Going from 50:1 to 40:1 = leaner (less spooge)
4.Air screw turned out = leaner fuel/air ratio

This bike has fresh fuel, new muffler packing, clean and correctly oiled air filter and a BR8ECM plug. Is this the correct plug even? The bike is ridden near London so GB or European spec I presume.

Any help will be much appreciated. Thank you.
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Mar 5, 2004
Sorry, I meant to post this on the KTM/Euro forum, it doesn't want to cut and paste,can any moderators move it over please?
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