Factual info about amateur MX nationals ...


Sep 14, 2007
I'm getting ready for next month's NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month, an annual challenge to write a fifty thousand word novel during the month of November) and my main characters are three teenage motocross riders (two 16-year-old guys and the 13-year-old little sister of one of them) from Colorado with aspirations of making it to the pro ranks someday.

What would a typical season for an amateur A-class rider be like? What are the major races aside from Loretta's and Ponca City? (I've heard all about those two from my friends who race and I'm pretty sure I understand the qualifying procedures.) Also, my two central characters are siblings with parents who staunchly refuse the idea of homeschooling; how would competing while attending public school affect someone's life?

I've Googled the living hell out of this stuff and can't find any info I don't already know, so I figure I might have better luck with asking people. :bang:

(Sorry if this is too off-topic, but I was reading J-man's story and the idea to ask this here popped up...)
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Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
Being from Canada I don't have a ton of info on the larger Am events but I know Lake Whitney is always one that seems to get plenty of coverage as well as the Mini O's. As far as the home schooling there are several schools I know of that have programs designed for National Caliber athlete's that allow them more time away from school with correspondence support etc.
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