falling off on top end


Feb 11, 2003
my 2000 kdx has a FMF Gnarly pipe w/stock sprockets, some jetting, new rings, and new reeds. I was trying to ride a track here in Minden Louisiana Sat and it felt like the top end kept falling off or flattening out. I usually ride trails so i guess i havent really noticed it until i needed the top end on this track to clear some big jumps. Is this common for the 200's or is there possibly another issue i need to look at besides buying a bigger bike which will come in time.
Thanks for your time,


Formally known as RV6Junkie
Damn Yankees
Jan 8, 2000
What does "some jetting" mean? There are two types of jetting; correct jetting and incorrect jetting. It is possible that your main jet is too small. This will cause the bike to fall flat on its face. Check the FAQ for jetting advise.

Is this a new condition or is it something that you never had the opportunity to experience?


Feb 21, 2003
Sounds to me like you ran out of gearing and rpm's. My bike does that too, I reach a certain speed and can go no faster, even if I rev the heck out of it. Its called overrev i guess, and i have it.


Nov 1, 2001
The Gnarly pipe is designed to produce mainly low to mid power, at the expense of some top. Also, the port timing and powervalve arn't exactly designed to produce high rpm power. Most KDX's tend to fall off the power quick and hard in stock form, and the Gnarly pipe isn't going to be helping top end too much. Search the site for different articles on the different pipes for the KDX, and how they affect power. Lots of good info out there.


Oct 14, 1999
rv6: 'some jetting' ha! ;)

qwazi: The 200 is by no means a track bike. That said, the 'falling off' could be either endemic to the kdx clan, or indicative of a problem .....depending on the nature of the falling.

Jetting is a big deal. A Big Fat Big Deal. With a couple of misadjustments to jetting on my bike I can make it 'fall off' on the top. I've never run it too lean, so I can't tell you from personal experience on this bike what that actually feels like. But, based on other 2-strokers I've had (and common sense) I can tell you that too lean will certainly lead to a 'falling off'...about one nanosecond before your engine seizes up tight.

Too rich will do it, too.

Which brings us around to rv6's comment. Recall goldilocks and the three bears? That's a fairy tale based on the basics of 2-stroke jetting! (you learn something every day, huh?)

There's too fat, too thin...and j-u-s-t right!

Even after getting the jetting spot on, there are additional (bolt on) mods that will help the top end of the 200. The -30 pipe for one (as atc already said), a reed set intended to go fast..as the DFII (set to hi tension) is.

Of course, after you make such changes you will need to jet all over again!

But...the 200 will never be a real track bike.


Feb 11, 2003
First offf thanks for your replys.

I went to the shop here in town and talked to him about my jetting. WE had taken the main jet down one because of the recommendations on the site. So he suggested because of me riding on a track i would need to take it back to what is was before. I also moved the clip up one to mid-position when i changed the main.
I bought another sprocket with one extra tooth which brings me back to stock. With taking themain-jet back to stock i might be able to get what i was looking for on the track.
I know this bike will never be a track bike but i had a blast on the track and with a lil more top end i can have a blast until i sell this one and get a MX bike.
These jetting issues: Every time i talk to someone they ask about the main. Well is there not really any concern for the others?


Oct 14, 1999
re: Well is there not really any concern for the others?

Because in a track situation, you don't use 'em! It's largely WOFT ATT.

Who on an mx-track cares about off-idle response to 3/8-1/2 throttle?

Who in the woods doesn't?

Have fun!
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