First Race!!!!!!!!!!!!


Crazy Ole Bag
Jul 28, 2008
Hey all! I finally did it! Had my first race at a country fair! I totally sucked but had so much fun! I had the biggest bike of the women that were competing all more than half my age. I crashed,got dirt in my goggles and blinded my eyes around a corner from it and could not start my bike after it tipped over BUT Man the fun I had! One girl went in a ambulance after crashing on a bad landing from a jump,another hurt herself good but all in all a great time. My 8 year old also rode and got a small trophy for participation...he carried it to the track we ride at the next day and proudly showed every one!
Great thing I inspired many others to try next year as they figured if the crazy old lady could race why couldn't we try??? They will be my competition next year! :nener:
The problem for me was cornering this is where I need to bone up a bit. Any tips would be great! :laugh:


May 10, 2007
Congrats on the first race! It's seems a little less serious at the fair than the actual track, at least around here. Good place to get your feet wet. Gonna race at the track now?


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
Great job! Cornering on a stadium type track, and an xr400 can not be used in the same sentence! Tires and prayers would be my best guess. I am not for sure if your suspension has adjustments for compression and rebound. Or if your shock spring is correct, does it have a rear sag setting?


Crazy Ole Bag
Jul 28, 2008
I wish the track I go to had races. It seems like a ghost trsack as there is hardly any one there. Sad as it is a 45 acre track has all the jumps truns,burms and whoops any one would want! I heard it is usually used in spring. Maybe the locals just don't ride much and most people never heard of it.
As far a suspension on my awesome 400 I know nothing about that yet but am just scared to turn hard but am working at it everytime I go riding at the track. I do think my friend put way to much air in the front tire and need to lessen it a bit.
I am taking a my friend out this morning to ride she is new and has a small crash last sunday on my kx 80 but is a fast learner and am putting her on the cr 125 a bit later. The bug has bit turning back now!
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Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000
Nice write-up, sounds like you had fun! :ride:

As for cornering, that always seems to be the hard part! Practice, practice, practice!

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
WooHoo! Been able to wipe that goofy grin off, yet?

Were you losing the front or back on the turns?

Was the front tire riding up over the berm/ruts in the the turns or was it climbing out the inside?

Too much air will make the bike very slippery. I wouldn't go higher than 13 lbs.
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