Flywheel weight came off


Jan 3, 2006
My flywheel weight came off while riding on Sunday, possible improper torque or teh set screws were set wrong...either way I am not putting it back on...but I hae never had to repair anything to do with my flywheel. So my question; is there anything that I should be concerned about, I plan on just putting teh nut back on and leaing it the way it was. The wheel case looks fine...but it looks like there was extremly high temps inside the cover, everything is covered in a black dust. Can I just put the nut back on?


Oct 25, 2005
That stinks. I would have to say if he threads are okay, I would go ahead and put the nut back on. I'm fairly sure the dust you see is mostly what came from the cover when the weight was spinning. I helped a buddy put a 10 oz on his... now my bike and I wish it was more. What size weight was yours? I'm guessing the heavier the weight the more important it is for the tightening and set screws to be correct.


Jan 3, 2006
it does suck

it was a ten once weight....I think ur right about the residue, there is a black rubber coating on teh inside of the cover and when the weight came off it rubbed that cover it is probally just what came off. I had it on my 2000 cr 250, I really liked how it lugged though it really did take a lot off the top of the powerband...which I am not that pumped about...the net gains where positie , but I cannot run the risk of that happenning I am a buit hesitant to put it back on.
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