FMF turbine core 2 spark arrestor


Mar 24, 2006
i have an FMF turbine core 2 spark arrestor on my 02 cr250. ive seen a "Q" model as well, the Q means quiet.(i want my bike as quiet as possible) has any one had a chance to pop one of these Q models open or heard how loud they are. the non Q and Q models look exactly the same on the outside. im wondering 1, how much quieter are the Qs compared to the non Q. and 2, is it just different fiberglass packing or are the internals of the Q differet?


Dec 2, 2001
I have the Q on my '02 cr250. As luck would have it, a friend also has an '02 cr250 with just the regular spark arrestor. We both have noticed that the Q is quieter. Not much though. Not worth the price of replacing your spark arrestor. The Q is about 2-3" longer than the regular spark arrestor. The packing and internal baffling is the same design, just longer.
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