Fork problem


Jan 2, 2001
I just put my forks back together after disassembling/cleaning and there acting pretty wierd.With the top cap on and no spring installed,the inner tube will not extend upwards freely.As if vacuum keeps it drawn in.If I install the cap with the tube extended,the fork tube stays up from inside pressure.Is this normal?I never noticed it just doing a oil change.After cleaning all the parts,I dried everything with compressed air including the shim stacks.All the internals are good and in order.Any ideas?Thanks!


Oct 14, 1999
'With the top cap on and no spring installed'

Why would it extend 'freely' with no pressure against it?

'As if vacuum keeps it drawn in'

Yeah...that is so. Would you expect the fork to grab a bunch of air from...where? If your seals leak that bad, they need to have been replaced already.

It's a sealed system. It isn't vented. If you wanna see what happens, do all this with the top bleed screw out (so the fork IS vented). You'll see a considerable difference.

To the extent I'm missing the boat, straighten me out. Otherwise, as I understand what you are saying, it's the way things should be. If they were DIFFERENT..THAT'S when you would need to wonder what's wrong.


Jan 2, 2001
Thanks for answering CC.I know,brain lock because of the unexpected.I'll throw the springs in and see how they dance(not).
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