Fork respring, any recomendations????


Feb 24, 2006
I was wondereing since every time I call Jeff Fredette about haveing my suspension work done he is gone for about ten days if anyone knows who is really good with suspension, I just want my forks and rear spring rated for a 200 pound fella, woods riding. Thanks


Sep 17, 2001
Check out MX-Tech. You can link straight from this site. I have never used his serviced, but I've read many many many posts on here raving about his services. I too have had a hard time with prompt service from Fredette, but I'm sure he is a very busy man and I believe running his shop may play second fiddle to riding, racing, appearances, and just all around being a legend type of stuff. He does deliver an awesome product though and no one else on earth knows more about making these bikes right than Jeff.
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