Found some bikes


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
might not be a bad plan to covertly get the VINs off them and have a buddy at the PD run the numbers.
May 22, 2006
:pissed: You think they'd have raced out bikes w/ an imigrant status? and on a big land not ride them. Either these people are crazy or its just me. Stolen?


Apr 22, 2008
Nice bikes.. I'd definitely post the pics at local tracks and pro shops, if you got a funny feeling about it in your gut, its usually the case. :(


Aug 9, 2008
Hi Tod. I just moved over here to DR from TT and have been following this story since you first reported it. Is the local cops still not interested in checking these questionable stolen bikes out to make sure their not stolen? Thats very odd if they will not atleast go in and run a VIN check on them?? I dont blame you for not wanting to jump the fence and check for yourself. Thats how people get shot very quick like. Now if you could catch them while the bikes are loaded and being transported off their property you may possibly get the police to pull them over for suspected stolen goods.


"Don't Worry Sister"
Dec 16, 2007
Would it be worth taking the time to check the race numbers against results at tracks within say a 300 mile radius of you? Most of our tracks have race number and brand...
Might take a bit of effort, but if you found a match one quick phone call and you'd know.

Of course, they could be from anywhere.


Jul 3, 2002
BBA said:
the local cops still not interested in checking these questionable stolen bikes out to make sure their not stolen?

I contacted the Federal Way city police twice and they took over a week to return my call and that was only after I contacted the chief-o-police. They said that they would look into it, but I doubt that they did anything.

In the mean time, I contacted the State Patrol. They sent their stolen vehicle specialists out right away. Turns out that one of them is a local mx racer. He was very interested and was very confident that the bikes are stolen. Problem is getting the VIN's. Without a warrent they were unwilling to enter the property. He is going to the local mx tracks and asking around too.

All the local shops have been sent photos.
The info has been posted on multiple forums and sent out to the Northwest Motorcycle Association's email list.


Apr 22, 2008
^ Good work dude! If one of those was my bikes, I'd kiss your feet if it got recovered. Let us know how it goes. Hopefully they aren't stolen, but with that much variety and the questionable storage.. its highly likely they are. You don't leave your bikes out in the open like that, sorry.


Viva La Revolucion!
Nov 14, 2001
not to mention let your 7000 bike have trash piled up on it.
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