Friend in need - SuperHunky needs our help!

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Thanks Wes.


Jun 29, 2003
I've been following his situation on the yahoo group (maico). They have spoken highly of you Wes and there are a few ideas (mentioned "there") concerning ways to help him.


Baked Spud
Jan 1, 2001
Uchytil said:
I've been following his situation on the yahoo group (maico). They have spoken highly of you Wes and there are a few ideas (mentioned "there") concerning ways to help him.
I'm thinking there is another Wes involved because I've never actually met Rick, much less helped him moved. I'm sure the real Wes deserves all the credit.

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
That felt really good to pay back some tiny percentage of what he has given me over the years. :cool:


Jan 27, 2000
Thanks for posting Wes.

Super Hunky has certainly given over and over to the sport. As you know, he was one of the first people to stand up to the enviro-wacko's and has fought for many years against land closures.

Time for us to give back. :cool:


"Don't Worry Sister"
Dec 16, 2007
VintageDirt- Thanks for changing the title bar. :cool:

Could one of you fine gents please offer up a taste of Superhunky history/biography to the kids and newcomers? The little blurb on the site doesn't spell it out.

It's a pretty good bit of dirt lore. You guys lived this stuff. Come on you silver tongued dirt fools. Tell the kids about "the day". Somebody cover his life, somebody else "the Book" and someone else the magazine.

Superhunky is an EXCELLENT fun read.

Oh- and like I said to you some of you guys- only happy to pay back to one of your own a fraction of what I've taken from you guys. All you ever need do is ask. Consider it done. I'm really proud of you guys for helping. You are good folks.

Wishing Rick a speedy recovery.

Pay it forward all.

edit: Since you old coots don't want to educate the youngsters I'll attempt to edit in some info for the kids.

Part One:

Part Two:

And a link to the Archives of Rick Sieman articles:

Index of Super Hunky Articles said:


  • Maico970.jpg
    144.7 KB · Views: 426
  • My Dinner With Super Hunky.jpg
    10.8 KB · Views: 385
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"Don't Worry Sister"
Dec 16, 2007
Link to MonkeyButt said:



    24.5 KB · Views: 387


Baked Spud
Jan 1, 2001
Thanks fatcat216. It's not that I don't want to educate, just that I don't want to come off like some kind of cheerleader. People should help if they want and not feel guilty if they don't. Anyways....

So, not to toot my own horn but I am kinda proud of that Super Hunky link index if you "view" "source" you might see why.

Maybe I might post my sappy letter that I wrote years ago, tells how I feel about Rick.


"Don't Worry Sister"
Dec 16, 2007
One more for fun:

*There's some great pics along with each of these items.

to read direct:
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"Don't Worry Sister"
Dec 16, 2007

Oh please do! I love sappy stories, and I really have enjoyed reading stories about people who have been involved in this sport while I was unaware of it.

I agree on the helping only if you want. It's a big world and we all have too many needs. But, Superhunky's writing stands in its own right. I can't see why anyone wouldn't fall completely in love with these stories. I think the kids will eat it up, just as I did when an acquaintance on a forum recommended MonkeyButt to me.

I'll check out the source code, if I can figure that out. lol. That's way cool, VD.

Thanks again for being the right kind of people. :cool:


AssClown SuperPowers
Damn Yankees
Aug 2, 2000
VintageDirt said:
. . . Maybe I might post my sappy letter that I wrote years ago, tells how I feel about Rick.
I think you should. It's better than the lunch you had with Pancho Villa.

we all owe a lot to that ol' cigar chomper


Jan 27, 2000


It's not about not wanting to educate the youngsters, it's about where to start. As you can see by the links you provided, there is a lot more to Rick Sieman than meets the eye.

I first met him when the eco-wacko's were first trying to close down the desert to off road riding. Here in District 37, we had to ride a desert race called Barstow to Vegas in order
to maintain our point total. I hated Barstow to Vegas since I was a scrambles and TT rider and rode a heavy Triumph 650 twin that was not suited to desert riding. But, if you were in the points chase, you had to ride it.

The eco-wacko's thought we were killing the desert tortoise. I remember going out to Barstow for the start of the race and seeing a whole bunch of army tanks sitting on railroad flat cars on sidings as you drove in to the starting area. A couple of weeks after the race the army would hold tank maneuvers in the same area. But, it wasn't the tank maneuvers that made the nightly news. It was those nasty motorcycle racers that were destroying the turtle population. They even had a clip on 20/20 about it making us out to be the bad guys. Of course, not a word about the tanks.

Rick stood up to the eco-wacko's and the BLM and formed the B to V protest ride. I feel honored to this day to be one of the riders that rode that protest ride. We had several protest rides after that and that was my first taste of what we were up against in regard to land closures. I am still involved in land issues and it was Rick that got me started.

Rick also told it like it was. In his magazine, if he was reviewing a bike that was a POS, he called it a POS. He didn't pull no punches. He didn't bow to the pressure from the OEM's or the aftermarket people. You could believe what he said as gospel. Today the mag's are nothing but advertizements for the OEM's. You can't believe a word of what you read. He also had a very humorous way of telling his storys.

I couldn't possibly tell you all about Rick Sieman. The best way to learn about this very special man is to buy his book and read it.

Thanks for providing the links.


"Don't Worry Sister"
Dec 16, 2007
89r-Probably a little overkill on the links? It's only because there is so much, so well written.

VD- I'm guessing you look better in a cheerleader's outfit than I do, but, since I didn't live this stuff, there is no question of propriety in me being a fanboy, not only of Mr. Sieman, but of you all.

I agree wholeheartedly that the book is a fun fun read. You'll get no quarrel from me on that. (I'd recommend buying it from his site rather than Amazon. At the time I heard of MonkeyButt, I knew nothing at all about Rick Sieman, or any of the above. Just had a title of a book, and not a thing more. I actually bought it on faith. I paid about $25 too much for my copy, unfortunately. Ugh.)

But please let me say this.

You folks who've spent a lifetime living an interesting dirt life bring a rich set of experiences to a "place" in the universe.
If I appear a little greedy wishing to hear more on each of you/Mr.Sieman, I apologize for that. The closest people like myself will ever get to such an interesting life is in books, or reading the stories you tell about yourselves and eachother around the cyber-campfire. I am quite sure Rick would love to know you guys are jawing about the old days, having a laugh, even if he's experienced a bit of misfortune. Maybe especially.

It's about a life well lived. None of us ever gets to appreciate fully, the impact we have on others. It is a rare thing. Usually a glimpse, if we are lucky. Tales are a fitting toast to an EXCEPTIONAL storyteller. :cool:

Thanks Terry, for sharing a touch of your own experiences, even if I did have to bully it out of you. :nener: I know it barely grazes the surface. Ditto VD. I hope you'll share your letter.

Oh!....And pics of yous guys in your cheerleading outfits would be most awesome, too. :rotfl: 89'r- Time to show a little bony old bird-leg flesh... Come on- Make us proud boys. :debil:
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Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Rick came on the scene about the same time I got my first bike.

I am a bit younger than Rick and Terry, et al and I grew up reading the exploites of all in the dirt bike heaven known as California.

Whitey Martino
J.N. Roberts
John McGowan and Kookie

and the many others my coffee starved mind can't conjure up at the moment.

Rick had a way of exposing the truth in a way that nobody could stay pissed at for long. His equipment reviews were the stuff of legend and honest to the point of being brutal. Without him and Dirt Bike, many of us would have wasted far more money than we did on gear.

I credit him with my involvement in the access issues here in Texas. He fought the first good fight and it was an ever evolving saga that we followed like a soap opera in DB. He and the Duck were the first to expose the whackos and the BLM for what they were, are, and will apparently continue to be.

I ask a representative of the Environmental Defense Fund what he thought of the Sierra Club.

His answer ...

He loved them because they made all of the other environmental groups look sane.

Texas Motorized Trails Coalition will be executing a contract with the Environmental Defence Fund and they will be partners in our progress in Ozona at Escondido Draw Recreational Area.

Thanks for the heads up Wes. I saw the post in Off Road that Rick put up about the move, but got distracted adn never read it.
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I'm a little late to post, but I got my autographed Monkey Butt book a few weeks back. I think everyone who rides or knows someone who rides needs to read this book.

The world needs characters, and Hunky is a character like no other!
Well, 'cept maybe Wes... ;)


Oct 8, 2007
i had never heard of this man before i clicked that link. i seriously just sat here for about an hour and a half reading all or most of these articles and post of this thread. i was just reading his 10 ten worst dirtbikes. that is some funny stuff. im glad to know there is someone out there that had fought and im sure is still fighting those green freaks. all i can say is wow, after reading all that i am very impressed. he has done alot for all of us and i am thankful for that. thank you for all of the reading material and i hope he gets better fast. thanks again.

Gravity Worx

Dec 10, 2008
I may be new to the forum here,
but definately not new to dirt bikes and the fight against the greenies.
I remember as a kid seeing Super Hunky as well as a few others who really stepped up to lead the fight.
He definately helped shape my opinions/beliefs about how the land should be free to use for us as well as them.

Thoughts and Prayers SH.
To quote another one from the same era, "Quack Quack and don't look back" (you guys under the age of about 40 won't understand that one, but the older ones will.


Jan 27, 2000
Gravity Worx said:
"Quack Quack and don't look back" .

Louis McKey. The Phantom Duck of the Desert. :cool:


Dec 11, 2008
I think I'll throw the old :coocoo: some $$ for all the laughs he's given me. Plus that whole pay it forward, karma crap.
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