Friends Need Our Help!


Nov 1, 2006
Friends...Brian and Becky Johnson need our help. Becky recently underwent radical surgery to remove a cancerous tumor and while her prognosis for recovery is good, the Johnsons are now faced with overwhelming medical bills.

Some of you may know the Johnsons through their active involvement with the Cycle Conservation Club, their maintenance of the Tomahawk Trail system and other trails in Northern Michigan. You may know them from the Family Enduro Series or other District events or perhaps just by running across them out on the trail. You'll never meet nicer folks who care very much for the off-road community and have contributed a considerable amount of their personal time and energy towards projects that we have all benefited from. They need our help now and it's time to lend them a hand.

We truly hope you are able to help the Johnsons with a personal donation, and please remember that in times of need, no amount is too small or insignificant to be sincerely appreciated.

Please visit the Cycle Conservation Club's website ( for information regarding making a donation.

Tomahawk Chapter

Cycle Conservation Club of Michigan


Mi. Trail Riders
Jul 19, 2006
Enduro Riders FYI. The staging area for the Stumpjumper Enduro is held on Johnson property. You might remember a house in the process of being built last year across the horse pasture. Well, Becky and Brian were building it.

Stacie What is the current status of their house?


Nov 1, 2006
Thanks Lou Ann! They got it framed in and insulated, but Becky became ill right before Christmas, so everything has gone on hold for right now. I don't want to go into details on their financial situation, but it's an understatement to say they desperately could use some help, so anything any of you can help out with will be greatly appreciated.


Mi. Trail Riders
Jun 3, 2008
Consider a donation done! Thanks for posting this. We battle about little things compared to issues like this! We'll send one from the D14 HS fund.

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