front brake question


Aug 15, 2002
hey, i have a question, when i was changing my front wheel on my rm 125 i bumped the front brake and that pushed the pads together and they wouldn't come apart so i took out the bolt to release the brake pads, then put them back in no prob. but after i was done with everything it seemed that when i put everything together (wheel and everything) it made the front brake harder like i adjusted it. dont know what happened or if it's anything to worry about i was just wondering. thanks


Apr 30, 2002
I've seen air get trapped seeminly in the calipers, and forcing them apart helps get rid of it, but mostly on KTM's.

as long as everything seems tight, no leaks and doesn't fade, you've got nothing to worry about.

I usually just use a screwdriver to pry em apart on my bikes, never hurts a time you get to that point, might want to grease up the pins a bit, after time they get dirty, rusty etc, and a bit of grease ensures the pads move freely on them.


Aug 15, 2002
thanks, i didn't think it was anything, now that i think about it, it's close to bleeding them again so that might do something but i just need to. thanks again.
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