

May 21, 2001
This was not a good night at our house. We went to a track meet at a local highschool, and when we came back, something was wrong. Our perfect condition Mercedes that my dad polishes two or three hours a week had 8 feet of key marks on the passenger side. We have NO idea who did this. Random act of vandalism. I don't think that I'm better than others because of my car, but do some feel they need to get revenge on that shiney black car in the parking lot? I'm just PO'ed that somebody's temporary frusturation will cost us mucho $$.


May 27, 2002
Sometimes they gotta prove their assholeness. Lets be cool and put a big ol' scratch in that car just because I hate people who have something I'd like to have or costs more than my $100 Geo even though I know nothing about these people who own it. Mercedes could symbolize a stuck up yuppie, or someone who worked their ass off for a lifetime to reach a goal. What a cowardly way to say "**** you" But to do any other act of vandalism would take more brain power than they have to use. Morons :ugg:


Nov 8, 2001
Had the same thing happen to my custom car in high school. I can't print the things I wan't to happen to the person that did it!!!!!


Oct 14, 2001
"Hey, this guy's got something cool, I want that soo bad. But wait, I'm a lazy bum so I could never afford that with my future career at McDonald's. Screw him, I'm gonna destroy it."

Talk about a wussy way to get someone. :|


May 27, 2002
I feel that if someone has a problem with me they better not **** with my truck and defiently not the bike, don't paintball, egg my house, don't write something on a desk or wall... Instead say it to my face and we'll settle it once and for all.


Feb 24, 2002
All you can do is shake your head and not drop to their level. Unfortunately there are losers in this world that can't come to grips with their lack of motivation and brain power. Ride on!!!!!!!


Jan 22, 2002
Jealousness is an evil thing and these ignorant idiots are doomed to a life of never being happy with what they have. They will live a life of martyrdom and paranioa of how everybody has something better than them and it is somebody elses fault they cant get what they want instead of being content with what they have. I say smile becasue you will have the last laugh as they go thru life constantly in debt chasing material things that they cannot afford for a moment of false happiness and a lifetime to pay of that moment.
I say smile because you are not one of them . You have no need to be destroying someone else property just because you dont have it. Smile because you and your family are fortunate enough to be able to afford a few nice things thru setting a goal and achieving that goal by hard work dedication and in some case a bit of good luck. And although I believe all are equal there is a certain air of superiority that is only poetic justice overthese clowns that pulled this stunt.

either that or go find out who these idiots are and go kick their butt :p
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