Gas Gas Shock Spring Advice


Mar 8, 2004
I need to change the rear shock spring on my '03 EC300 as it has been changed from standard to one suitable for a much heavier rider than me.
My question is once the shock is removed how easy is it to remove the spring? I know people who have changed springs on Suzuki DRZ for example who say it's really easy and no special tolls required. My local GG dealer suggested I would need a heavy duty spring compressor but I'm not convinced he's right?
Anyone done this recently?


Aug 25, 2000
I actually haven't removed mine as it was pretty close for me out of the box. That said, I'm sure it's no different than any other shock. Just back off the preload collars all the way and remove the clip from under the bottom collar.

A spring compressor is nice if you don't want to disturb your preload settings, but not a necessity as far as I'm aware.

HERE is a link to the Ohlins manual. It doesn't mention the spring removal but has some usefull information regardless.
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