gasket scraping


Sep 22, 2004
What's everyone's method....I'm looking for the best way to be able to do this fast....I currenlty use a razor blade and sometimes some over the counter gasket remover....

What about the gasket residue left from the liquid stuff (ie, threebond 1104) that you use b/t some case halves? I'll admit I hate scraping gaskets and would love some ideas of how you guys do it.

The guy who does my machine shop uses an very low grit abrasive wheel on an angle grinder and whenever I get my cylinders back they are pristine...I've done that a couple times but am always concerned about removing too much metal.


DRN's Resident Lunatic
Aug 3, 2004
Razor blade, but don't think that it's a quick process. You really don't want to gouge the mating surface. I haven't found a better way yet.
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