getting ready early........


Jul 8, 2002
hi everyone,

This is probly the most stupidest post you'll ever read. The guy at the shop when i bought my bike gave me a simple run down of basic maitenance, at the time i didnt have a manual, and it came to the point where i decided to change my oil.

This was my first bike (2000 RM 125), and i loosened the radiator screw thing, and drained out all my rad fluid. I thought it was read that the oil was a greenish color, but being the idiot i am, i paid no attention to it. Then i pour in XXX ml. of oil (i forget the exact amount but it was correct). So now i had double the amount of oil in my bike(suprisingly it didnt overflow or anyhting), and i had no radiator fluid in my bike.

I rode it a few times then stored for the winter, and then the next summer i rode a few more times, and it was running ok, then one day it just didnt start. Now it starts ok, but i put in a new carb (thats a whole other story), and the jets were all off, and i have rad fluid now, and the correct amount of oil, and a lot of excessive white smoke when i start it.


Is my bike really screwed now after all that. How bad is it to ride with double the amount of oil and no rad fluid ?

Could it possibly just my jetting is off, is that the white smoke and bad running ?

Thanks a lot for your time, and advice,

Dirty kid

:whiner: , :| , :uh:


Apr 11, 2003
At no point in your rambling, did you even come close to an intelligent thought. I award you no points, may God have mercy on your soul.

I really hope this is a prank....


Jan 5, 2002
That white smoke you are seeing is probably antifreeze entering the cylinder and burning during combustion. Which means one of (or both..which is most likely) two things: 1. You've blown a head gasket 2. You've warped the head with the excess heat due to running no antifreeze. I would first take off the head, lay it flat side down on a pane of glass and pour some fluid (preferably fluid with color...heck, use antifreeze if you want) into the hole where the spark plug screws in. If this fluid leaks out from the sides, then you've got a warped head. Also check the head gasket while the head is off (probably should go ahead and replace it since you've already used it once).

Let us know how this goes. And we'll steer you along from there.
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