Getting serious...


Jan 1, 2001
Ok everyone, I need some help here. I have decided to get serious about racing and that means I need to get into better shape. I am 16, 6’0ft tall and weigh 190lbs. I know I need to lose some weight, ok lots of weight but I also want to strengthen my knees.
I ride my mountain bike for about 1-4 hours a day around my neighborhood. My legs are very strong but my knees tier easily. I am lifting weights every day to work on arm strength and I think it’s working. I do have a Total Gym 1000 but need to clear a space for it to be used on a regular basis. Is there anything else I should be doing? My mother is very health conscious and prepares lots of healthful foods so I don’t diet is a problem. I will also soon have a small MX track to ride on everyday. I am right now only riding Enduros until I can afford an MX bike. I look forward to reading your comments.

Lee Wilson


Feb 20, 2001
Sounds like you are moving in the right direction. When you ride your bike, alternate your workouts. Use a tuesday for a long easy ride to build areobic base, then modify the rides on wednedsay and thursday so the you do sprints one day and higher RPM, lighter pressure spinning intervals to teach the body to recover. On friday, do a nice easy recovery ride. It is better to lightly pedal the bike around than to lay on a couch to recover - just keep it very light on recovery rides. Keep buring calories and eat well.


Nov 26, 2000
I was about 180, I started running and lifting weights. Lifting weights surely changed my whole life(physicaly) now im 150 and can bench much over my weight. I used free weights mostly and run 3 miles everyday. Eating is very important, dont try to starve yourself to make it happen quicker just eat and take your time, one day you will thank yourself. being in shape feels terrific.


Sep 6, 2000
It sounds like you are on the right track, except you need to be careful not to overtrain your muscles. Make sure you are getting at least 1 to 2 days off
per week for your muscles to recuperate. Try walking lunges and seated leg extensions
to help strengthen your knees. Use medium weights at 25-50 reps per set. Stretch as often as possible, especially if you are trying to build muscle(lifting heavy) which will tend to stiffen you up.


Jan 1, 2001
Thanks for the advice guys. I am still training, unfortunately it’s been raining a lot and I haven’t had time to make my MX track. I am going to try to get out there tomorrow and work on it. I am going to be off my bike for a while because I need a new top end. I am going to keep on riding my mountain bike, even though I need a new rear tube first. But all is going well. Thanks again.

Lee W.
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