Gutting KDX pipe: Wonderfull, just wonderfull !


Nov 24, 2003
Pipe Guting procedure log
Intro: It's a nice saturday here in Charlotte and after seeing this thread I thought: why not do the same to my 95 KDX. I can use the extra ooomph the gutted pipe will give. These guys at the forum are great! Why pay $80.00 for an FMF at Weeway? ;) It'll be a wonderfull project and I can use the Dremell tool my wonderfull wife gave me for Xmas. Nice of her!
First Hour: I didn't know I had to cut through the wall and through the mesh wires at the same time. Heck I wonder why these cutting disks keep braking so easy. No problem, having fun and saving $.
2nd hour: Gosh, What am I doing in the garage on a nice day like this. I hope I can cut this open before I run out of discs.
3rd hour: Why do I have to listen to those idiots at the forum and why in the whole wide world didn't my wife buy me a new pair of boots instead!
3rd hour: Freaking plate is finally off. What's there to gut? I guess they meant this mesh. How hard could it be to pull it out?! :think:
4th hour: Geeesh. Stupid mesh! If I tie it to my trucks bumper maybe it'll come out?! :|
5th hour: Instead of standing there why don't this woman bring me an advill? Did I mention the freaking mesh won't come out? What difference a little mesh can make anyway! :pissed: Great idea Einstein, at this rate it'll only take me 10 hours.At $18.00/hour + supplies that's only $200.00 for a banged up frankenpipe. What a deal! Where's that advill? :bang:


Nov 24, 2003
Well, all joking aside I finally got he darn screen out and getting it welded back together now. So I'll see how it performs. I have to say though, I've done full motor rebuilds, I've torn bikes down to the frame and back together, but I've never done such a no fun, frustrating, dirty, messy job as this pipe gutting. Definitelly do NOT recomend it!! :ohmy:


Sep 22, 2003
I must have been lucky with mine. The insulating matting under the mesh was not saturated with spooge. A die grinder makes quick work of the spot welds inside the pipe. Sorry yours turned into such a nightmare. All said and done, you should be happy with the results. :cool:
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