Happy Birthday Helio!


Jan 27, 2000
Have a great Birthday Helio. :cool:

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Happy Birthday Helio - I'll try and ride some trials this weekend in honor of your day :)


Mr. Meltsomeglass
Jul 25, 1999
Happy Birthday!!!!!! Hope you have a great day :cool:

helio lucas

Jun 20, 2007
thanks guys!!!! :cool:

my celebrations was very good but no beer since i am on medicines, i was bitten by some insect during my vacations and my right arm was twice the size.

rich, that wasn´t fair... until today morning :laugh:
i bought the bike :yeehaw:

today i had to work hence no riding but the first 10 minutes impression is that is very hard indeed... i am quite technical and skillfull with my cr80 on slower stuff but having no seat to balance with the legs is strange...
i know, seat(less) time is the key...

helio lucas

Jun 20, 2007
High Lord Gomer said:
Very cool! I look forward to hearing more about your time on the bike.
this is my first pic on the bike:


upssss, wrong pic my mistake. isn´t me but i wonder who is :think:

sorry, couldn´t resist bringing back some good laughs :cool:

pesky nz

Sep 13, 2010
HAPPY BIRTHDAYFROM NZ sorry for shouting but the All Blacks are in the world cup final and this whole country is buzzing really loud. Ride some sections as soon as your arm lets you

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
helio lucas said:

upssss, wrong pic my mistake. isn´t me but i wonder who is :think:

That would be Gomer in the picture riding the Montesa Cota 315r that I now own.

Wearing a tutu to ride trials isn't required but in Gomer's case it seems to really improve his balance and overall skill. :whoa:

helio lucas

Jun 20, 2007
High Lord Gomer said:
It better shows my belly holding the handlebars stable.
nahhhh, i still prefer the first one since on the second i can see a mustache and defenitely it doesn´t match very well with the pink tutu... reminds me i guy on a movie i saw once by mistake :rotfl:

rich, your right. the tutu seem to improve skill judging by the pics. i will try wear one next time i ride and see how it goes. blue though, since pink doesn´t match my skin tone very well :)

pesky, i have to thank you for your help on the trial bike. was invaluable...
you won the game against australia? great, who´s on the final? england?
well, the HAKA thing should be considered world heritage by unesco. :cool:

pesky nz

Sep 13, 2010
No England they fell to France in the 1/4 finals and your nearest participating neighbours France also had a lucky escape against Wales 9 -8 to make the final so France New Zealand just as the original world cup at the same venue (and I hope and predict the same result..........All Black victory!!!!) It happens Sunday night 9pm my time :cool:
My personal experience with trials does not extend to the tutu manouvre (and I'm hoping they never make them mandatory) My phisique also rules out the lycra suit the pro's wear (some would say I need 2 kidney belts) But I do get exceptional traction at all times

helio lucas

Jun 20, 2007
yesterday i found some time to ride. the very first ride :yeehaw:

and found a fotographer as well ;)

here are some pics:


helio lucas

Jun 20, 2007


helio lucas

Jun 20, 2007
the place is a old bakery near by my house. a small video clip will come later, the images are only a teaser ;)

the bike still need a lot of work but now i can uderstand better some aspects, like the stiff rear suspension. is not stiff, it needs to be ride properly, maybe if i borrow to someone else? :|

i know, i know. put some boots. i have tried to mimic gomer´s clothes but he´s still the "MAN"!!! :cool:


Old MX Racer
Oct 19, 2006
Helio, dang impressive action! You have had this for how long? Ride as much as you can, and never quit the other types of riding, cross training rules! No explanations needed on the boots. I am still, trying to grasp the reality, that I live in such an arrogant part of the world. Your post on FB should be shared here as well, how much of our planet lives on 2 dollars a day. Bob

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
Oh man, that is way cool! More! More!

Do the police bother you any for doing that kind of riding in town? I don't think it would be allowed in many places, here.

helio lucas

Jun 20, 2007
bob, sunday morning before work was the correct date i get the bike to be precise. this is my very first real ride. before this just two times for 5~10 minutes.
but, i didn´t get the FB thing :think: i don´t use face book if that is what you mean, i am not that smart, so it must be someone else. :whoa:

gomer said:
Do the police bother you any for doing that kind of riding in town? I don't think it would be allowed in many places, here.
am i allowed to lie and say it´s ok?
it´s illegal of course. i live in a small village and the nearest police office is quite far. i wouldn´t do in the center of the town for sure. BUT, as long as we don´t disturbe anyone, don´t do act like a punk and act quite low profile police is permissive. the buildind is by a very secondary road and is abandoned. most of the houses you see in pics don´t have anyone living regulary.

actually, they may found funny to see a sport that we normally only see in the tv. the most probably happening is they will ask me to move to a lesser populated area or the trails.
if you remember any video on youtube or similar where people does trial on the streets, most of the videos are on western side of europe. france, spain and italy...

it seems by the long text that i am trying to justify the injustifiable :|

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
I can' tell you how many places and how many times we used to ride where...

"Hey, there aren't any No Trespassing signs so I guess it is OK to ride here."

I had to stop that when the kids started riding. I couldn't very well tell them, "If you see a cop, speed up and meet me back at the truck."

helio lucas

Jun 20, 2007
yesterday i have done some work on the bike. the crankcase was overfilled with oil and, per pesky recomendation, put to the lower setting, have done wonders to help the clutch drag... now almost doesn´t drag and before i even cannot change gear while stoped.
carb needed some fine tune on the slow side. later, have to lean the needle position to get smoother throttle opening. when i am doing long wheelies mainly with body balance, the throttle is barely open and power delivey is not smooth enough. later then, since half the bike have to be taken off before i can get the carb. now i am just too occupied riding ;)

yesterday´s ride was pretty much trying to improve balance with the engine shut of. and this shows me the rear brake need some atention as well.
here is the video from the pictures day:
<embed src="http://img850.imageshack.us/flvplayer.swf?f=Px9b" width="320" height="260" allowFullScreen="true" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"/><br/>

of course, i have to improve a LOT my smoothness on the bike. :ride:

Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
That's a GREAT start Helio. You'll be giving Toni Bou a run for his money in no time.

helio lucas

Jun 20, 2007
Rich Rohrich said:
That's a GREAT start Helio. You'll be giving Toni Bou a run for his money in no time.
thanks, thats kind of you but of course i need to pratice every day for more 1523423 years :ohmy:
despite i tire very fast i'am having a great time :cool:

i will make another clip but at this time i haven't much to offer and i am riding a lot on public areas :whoa:

carb lowers end fine tune to attain some smothness on the delivery has been harder than i expect. i have discovered as well how hard is to bleed the hidraulic clutch with out some pump :yikes:
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